(Erstwhile Invesco India Bank Debt Fund) Table of Contents To generate optimal returns by investing in a portfolio of debt & money market instruments issued primarily by banks. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. The Scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns. Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund is a Debt - Banking & PSU Debt fund launched on 29 Dec 12. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a Below is the key information for Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund Returns up to 1 year are on Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis Invesco India Banking And PSU Debt Fund - G
Scheme Objective
return of 6.7% since its launch. Ranked 64 in Banking & PSU Debt
category. Return for 2023 was 6.5% , 2022 was 0.7% and 2021 was 3.4% . NAV as on 20 Dec 24 ₹2,164.21 ↓ -0.81 (-0.04 %) Net Assets (AUM) as on 30 Nov 2024 ₹100 Cr. Launch Date 29 Dec 2012 Category Debt - Banking & PSU Debt Rating ☆ Type Open Ended Fund Risk Moderate Yield To Maturity 7.24% Effective Maturity 5 Years 6 Months 22 Days Modified Duration 3 Years 10 Months 24 Days Alpha Ratio 0.0 Expense Ratio 0.66 % Sharpe Ratio 1.443 Information Ratio 0.0 Benchmark Not Available ISIN INF205K01JV2 AMC Invesco Asset Management (India) Private Ltd Min Investment ₹5,000 Min SIP Investment ₹1,000 Exit Load NIL NAV Price Chart
Annual Compounded Returns
absolute basis
& more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)
basis. as on 20 Dec 24 Duration Returns 1 Month 0.5% 3 Month 1.5% 6 Month 4% 1 Year 8.2% 3 Year 5% 5 Year 5.6% 10 Year 15 Year Since launch 6.7% Historical Annual Returns
Year Returns 2023 6.5% 2022 0.7% 2021 3.4% 2020 9.5% 2019 9.7% 2018 7.2% 2017 4.9% 2016 7.4% 2015 6.9% Growth of 10k Over Years
Date Value 30 Nov 19 ₹10,000 30 Nov 20 ₹10,932 30 Nov 21 ₹11,341 30 Nov 22 ₹11,370 30 Nov 23 ₹12,067 30 Nov 24 ₹13,087 Asset Allocation
Asset Class Value Cash 6.16% Debt 93.49% Other 0.35% Sector Allocation
Sector Value Government 55.52% Corporate 37.98% Cash Equivalent 6.16% Rating Value AAA 100% Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Name Global Industry Holding Value Quantity ICICI Bank Limited
Debentures | -10% ₹10 Cr 1,000,000 National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 7.68%
Domestic Bonds | -8% ₹8 Cr 800,000 Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -8% ₹8 Cr 800,000 Small Industries Development Bank Of India
Debentures | -8% ₹8 Cr 800,000 Bank Of Baroda
Debentures | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000 7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000 7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000 7.17% Govt Stock 2030
Sovereign Bonds | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000 Power Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000 National Highways Authority Of India
Debentures | -5% ₹5 Cr 500,000
Talk to our investment specialistFund Managers
Name Since Tenure Krishna Cheemalapati 16 Dec 20 3.96 Yr. Vikas Garg 26 Sep 20 4.18 Yr. Custodians
Company Address Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Bank AG,Kodak House, 22, D.N. Road, Registrar & Transfer Agent
KFin Technologies Ltd Address 138 -Suyesh Solitaire, Nr. Podar International School,Kudasan, Gandhinagar, Gujarat FAX N.A Email N.A Administrator Companies
Company Address Invesco Mutual Fund 2101-A, A Wing, 21st Floor,,Marathon Futurex, N .M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel,Mumbai Auditors
Company Address Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP 12, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Opp. Shiv Sagar Estate,,Worli M/s. Price Waterhouse India,252, Veer Savarkar Marg,,Next to Mayor's Bungalow, Shivaji Park,,Dadar, All Plan & Options
Fund and Plan NAV 6 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund
Growth ₹2,164.21
↓ -0.81 4 % 8.18 % 4.96 % 5.59 % Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund
Monthly Dividend, Payout ₹1,041.61
↓ -0.39 3.69 % 7.83 % 4.84 % 5.38 % Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund
Monthly Dividend, Reinvestment ₹1,041.61
↓ -0.39 3.69 % 7.83 % 4.84 % 5.38 % Invesco India Banking and PSU Debt Fund
Daily Dividend, Reinvestment ₹1,022.79
↓ -0.38 2.37 % 6.49 % 4.45 % 5.2 % Data as on 20 Dec 24