Fincash » Principal Emerging Bluechip Vs SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
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Both Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund belong to the diversified category of Mutual Fund. Diversified Funds are the Mutual Fund schemes that invest their corpus in shares of companies across Market capitalization. Diversified funds try to harness the advantages of market capitalization based on which they are able to invest in companies having maximum market potential and earn maximum returns for their investors. Diversified funds help people to earn maximum returns over a long-term tenure. Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund though they belong to the same category yet; there exists a difference in their attributes. So, let us understand the differences between both the schemes through this article.
Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund is offered by Principal Mutual Fund under the diversified category. The scheme was launched in the year 2008 and its investment objective is to attain Capital growth in long-term by Investing in equity and equity related instruments of various companies with more emphasis towards mid and small cap companies. The scheme uses Nifty Free Float Midcap 100 Index to construct its Portfolio.
As on January 31, 2018, some of the constituents that form part of Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund include IndusInd Bank Limited, ICICI Bank Limited, Tata Chemicals Limited, and Infosys Limited.
SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is an open-ended diversified fund offered by SBI Mutual Fund. This scheme was launched on September 29, 2005, and it uses S&P BSE 500 Index to construct its portfolio. The investment objective of the scheme is to attain long-term growth in capital by active management of investments through diversified equity investments across market capitalization.
As on January 31, 2018, some of the Top 10 constituents of SBI Magnum Multicap Fund’s portfolio include Colgate Palmolive (India) Limited, Tech Mahindra Limited, Maruti Suzuki Limited, and HDFC Bank Limited.
Though the schemes belong to the same category, they show different attributes with regard to various parameters. So, let’s have a glance at these parameters that are divided into four sections, namely, Basics Section, Performance Section, Yearly Performance Section, and Other Details Section.
The comparable parameters that form part of this section include Category of the Scheme, Fincash Ratings, AUM, Current NAV, expense ratio, and many more. To begin with the Category of the Scheme, it can be said that both the schemes belong to the same category that is Equity Diversified.
As per Fincash Rating, Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund is rated as 5-Star while; SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is rated as 4-Star Fund.
The table given below summarizes the parameters of both the sections.
Parameters Basics NAV Net Assets (Cr) Launch Date Rating Category Sub Cat. Category Rank Risk Expense Ratio Sharpe Ratio Information Ratio Alpha Ratio Benchmark Exit Load Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details ₹183.316 ↑ 2.03 (1.12 %) ₹3,124 on 30 Nov 21 12 Nov 08 ☆☆☆☆☆ Equity Large & Mid Cap 1 Moderately High 2.08 2.74 0.22 2.18 Not Available 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL) SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details ₹101.382 ↑ 0.17 (0.17 %) ₹20,030 on 28 Feb 25 29 Sep 05 ☆☆☆☆ Equity Multi Cap 9 Moderately High 1.72 -0.34 -0.84 1 Not Available 0-6 Months (1%),6-12 Months (0.5%),12 Months and above(NIL)
Compounded Annual Growth Rate or CAGR returns of both the scheme at different time periods is compared in the Performance Section. Some of the time periods at which the returns are compared include 3 Month Return, 6 Month Return, 1 Year Return, and 5 Year Return. An overview of comparison between the return states that the returns generated by Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund is higher as compared to the returns of SBI Magnum Multicap Fund. The summary of performance section, between Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is tabulated as follows.
Parameters Performance 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since launch Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details 2.9% 2.9% 13.6% 38.9% 21.9% 19.2% 24.8% SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details 2.8% -5.8% -11.9% 5.8% 10.5% 22.4% 0%
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The Yearly Performance section compares the absolute returns of two schemes for a particular year. Yearly Performance section also indicates that the returns generated by Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund are higher as compared to the returns of SBI Magnum Multicap Fund. The table given below summarizes the yearly performance between Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund.
Parameters Yearly Performance 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details 14.2% 22.8% 0.7% 30.8% 13.6%
This is the last section of comparison between Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund. Some of the comparable parameters in this section include Minimum Lumpsum Investment, Minimum SIP Investment, AUM, and Exit Load. To begin with the Minimum Lumpsum Investment, it can be said that the lumpsum investment amount of both the schemes is different. The lumpsum investment amount in case of SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is INR 1,000 and in case of Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund is INR 5,000. Likewise, minimum lumpsum investment, even the minimum SIP investment amount is also different in both the schemes. The Minimum SIP Investment in case of Principal Emerging Business Fund is INR 2,000 while in case of SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is INR 500.
The fund manager managing Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund is Mr. Dimant Shah.
The Fund manager managing SBI Magnum Multicap Fund is Mr. Anup Upadhyay.
The table given below summarizes the comparison of both the schemes for this section.
Parameters Other Details Min SIP Investment Min Investment Fund Manager Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details ₹100 ₹5,000 SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details ₹500 ₹1,000 Anup Upadhyay - 0.25 Yr.
Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.
Date Value 29 Feb 20 ₹10,000 28 Feb 21 ₹13,144 SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.
Date Value 29 Feb 20 ₹10,000 28 Feb 21 ₹12,745 28 Feb 22 ₹14,892 28 Feb 23 ₹14,942 29 Feb 24 ₹19,417 28 Feb 25 ₹19,639
Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Details Asset Allocation
Asset Class Value Equity Sector Allocation
Sector Value Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Name Holding Value Quantity SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Fund Details Asset Allocation
Asset Class Value Cash 7.68% Equity 92.18% Debt 0.14% Equity Sector Allocation
Sector Value Financial Services 27.7% Consumer Cyclical 15.25% Technology 10.09% Industrials 8.38% Basic Materials 7.04% Health Care 6.34% Communication Services 6.11% Consumer Defensive 4.84% Energy 4.58% Utility 1.85% Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Name Holding Value Quantity ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 17 | ICICIBANK9% ₹1,917 Cr 15,304,355
↑ 3,144,300 Infosys Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 20 | INFY5% ₹1,100 Cr 5,853,400
↑ 2,128,400 Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 20 | RELIANCE5% ₹989 Cr 7,816,540 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 23 | KOTAKBANK4% ₹969 Cr 5,094,000 HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 15 | HDFCBANK4% ₹862 Cr 5,075,354 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 22 | M&M4% ₹759 Cr 2,540,154
↑ 370,154 Muthoot Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 23 | 5333983% ₹699 Cr 3,095,044
↑ 1,274,494 Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd (Healthcare)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 23 | SUNPHARMA3% ₹664 Cr 3,807,900
↑ 511,257 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp Class A (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 24 | CTSH3% ₹644 Cr 900,000 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 16 | BHARTIARTL3% ₹610 Cr 3,750,000
Thus, to conclude, it can be said that the both Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund and SBI Magnum Multicap Fund both are different. However, people should be very cautious while choosing any investment scheme. They should check whether the fund’s approach is matching their objectives. They should also understand the modalities of the scheme completely. If required, individuals can also consult a financial advisor if required. This will ensure that people meet their objectives on time and in a hassle-free manner.