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2022-ൽ നിക്ഷേപിക്കാനുള്ള 5 മികച്ച സാമ്പത്തിക മേഖലയിലെ മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ |

ഫിൻകാഷ് »മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ »മികച്ച സാമ്പത്തിക മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ

മികച്ച സാമ്പത്തിക മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ 2022

Updated on September 16, 2024 , 15336 views

ഒരു സാമ്പത്തികമ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ മേഖലയുടെ ഭാഗമാണ്ഇക്വിറ്റി ഫണ്ടുകൾ. ഈ ഫണ്ടുകൾ 'ബാങ്കിംഗ് & ഫിനാൻഷ്യൽ സർവീസസ് ഫണ്ട്' എന്നും അറിയപ്പെടുന്നു. ഈ ഫണ്ടുകളുടെ ലക്ഷ്യം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക എന്നതാണ്വരുമാനം വഴിനിക്ഷേപിക്കുന്നു ബാങ്കിംഗ് മേഖലയെയും സാമ്പത്തിക വ്യവസായത്തെയും പരിപാലിക്കുന്ന കമ്പനികളുടെ ഓഹരികൾ/ഷെയറുകളിൽ. അതിനാൽ, നിക്ഷേപിക്കാനുള്ള മികച്ച സാമ്പത്തിക മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾക്കൊപ്പം സാമ്പത്തിക ഫണ്ടുകളുടെ ഭാവി സാധ്യതകൾ മനസ്സിലാക്കാം.

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ഇന്ത്യയിലെ സാമ്പത്തിക മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ

2017 ജൂലൈയിൽ പുറത്തുവിട്ട കണക്കുകൾ പരിശോധിച്ചാൽസെബി, ബാങ്കിംഗ് ഒപ്പംസെക്ടർ ഫണ്ടുകൾ ആയിരുന്നു ഏറ്റവും പ്രിയങ്കരം. ഡാറ്റ അത് കാണിക്കുന്നുബാങ്ക് ധനകാര്യവും- രണ്ട് മുൻനിര മേഖലകളും ഷെയർ എയുഎമ്മിൽ കുത്തനെ ഉയർന്നു.


ജൂലൈ 17 ലെ സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്കുകൾ പ്രകാരം, മുൻനിര മേഖലയായ ബാങ്കിംഗ് മേഖലയുടെ AUM വെറും ആറ് മാസത്തിനുള്ളിൽ 20.9 ശതമാനത്തിൽ നിന്ന് 22.6 ശതമാനമായി മാറി.

ഫിനാൻഷ്യൽ മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകളിൽ ഓൺലൈനിൽ എങ്ങനെ നിക്ഷേപിക്കാം?

  1.ൽ ആജീവനാന്ത സൗജന്യ നിക്ഷേപ അക്കൗണ്ട് തുറക്കുക.

  2. നിങ്ങളുടെ രജിസ്ട്രേഷനും KYC പ്രക്രിയയും പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക

  3. രേഖകൾ അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക (പാൻ, ആധാർ മുതലായവ).കൂടാതെ, നിങ്ങൾ നിക്ഷേപിക്കാൻ തയ്യാറാണ്!


FY 22 - 23 വരെ മികച്ച പ്രകടനം നടത്തുന്ന മികച്ച സാമ്പത്തിക മ്യൂച്വൽ ഫണ്ടുകൾ

FundNAVNet Assets (Cr)3 MO (%)6 MO (%)1 YR (%)3 YR (%)5 YR (%)2023 (%)
ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund Growth ₹127.58
↑ 0.29
Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund Growth ₹58.99
↑ 0.01
Invesco India Financial Services Fund Growth ₹130.95
Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund Growth ₹102.148
↓ -0.26
UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund Growth ₹178.354
↓ -0.82
Note: Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR basis. as on 19 Sep 24

ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ബാങ്കിംഗ്, ഫിനാൻസ് മേഖലയെ കുറിച്ച് പറയുമ്പോൾ, നമുക്ക് ഇതുപോലെയുള്ള നിരവധി പ്രമുഖ താരങ്ങളുണ്ട്ഐസിഐസിഐ ബാങ്ക് ലിമിറ്റഡ്, എച്ച്‌ഡിഎഫ്‌സി ബാങ്ക് ലിമിറ്റഡ്, സ്റ്റേറ്റ് ബാങ്ക് ഓഫ് ഇന്ത്യ, യെസ് ബാങ്ക് ലിമിറ്റഡ്, ആക്‌സിസ് ബാങ്ക് ലിമിറ്റഡ് മുതലായവ. 26 സ്വകാര്യ മേഖലാ ബാങ്കുകളും 27 പൊതുമേഖലാ ബാങ്കുകളും 1,574 അർബൻ കോ-ഓപ്പറേറ്റീവ് ബാങ്കുകളും 56 പ്രാദേശിക ഗ്രാമീണ ബാങ്കുകളും 46 വിദേശ ബാങ്കുകളും ഉൾക്കൊള്ളുന്നതാണ് ഇന്ത്യൻ ബാങ്കിംഗ് സംവിധാനം. സഹകരണ വായ്പാ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങൾക്ക് പുറമെ 93,913 ഗ്രാമീണ സഹകരണ ബാങ്കുകളും.

ബാങ്കിംഗ്, ഫിനാൻഷ്യൽ വ്യവസായങ്ങൾക്കുള്ളിൽ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്ന കമ്പനികൾ ഉയർന്ന നിയന്ത്രണത്തിലാണ്. പല നല്ല കമ്പനികളും വർഷങ്ങളായി സ്ഥിരമായ പ്രകടനവും വരുമാനവും നൽകാൻ ലക്ഷ്യമിടുന്നു, തൽഫലമായി, സെക്ടർ ഫണ്ടുകളിൽ നിക്ഷേപിക്കാൻ പദ്ധതിയിടുന്ന നിക്ഷേപകർക്ക് ഇത് ആത്മവിശ്വാസം നൽകുന്നു. എന്നിരുന്നാലും, അത്തരം ഫണ്ടുകളുടെ അപകടസാധ്യത ഘടകങ്ങൾ എപ്പോഴും മനസ്സിൽ സൂക്ഷിക്കണം. ഈ ഫണ്ടുകൾ, ചിലപ്പോൾ, രണ്ട് തീവ്രതകളിൽ ആയിരിക്കാം, അവയ്ക്ക് നല്ല വരുമാനം നൽകാനും ചിലപ്പോൾ മോശമായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കാനും കഴിയും. അതിനാൽ, അത്തരം സെക്ടർ ഫണ്ടുകളിൽ നിക്ഷേപിക്കാൻ പദ്ധതിയിടുന്ന നിക്ഷേപകർക്ക് ഉയർന്ന തുക ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കുന്നതാണ് ഉചിതം.റിസ്ക് വിശപ്പ് കൂടാതെ ദീർഘകാലത്തേക്ക് നിക്ഷേപം തുടരുകയും വേണം. വൈവിധ്യവൽക്കരണ ആവശ്യങ്ങൾക്കായി ഒരാൾ അത്തരം ഫണ്ടുകളിൽ നിക്ഷേപിക്കണം.

1. ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund is an Open-ended equity scheme that seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation to unitholders from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related securities of companies engaged in banking and financial services. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.

ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund is a Equity - Sectoral fund was launched on 22 Aug 08. It is a fund with High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 17.1% since its launch.  Return for 2023 was 17.9% , 2022 was 11.9% and 2021 was 23.5% .

Below is the key information for ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund
Launch Date 22 Aug 08
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹127.58 ↑ 0.29   (0.23 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹7,605 on 31 Jul 24
Category Equity - Sectoral
AMC ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited
Risk High
Expense Ratio 1.98
Sharpe Ratio 1.08
Information Ratio 0.09
Alpha Ratio 5.24
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹8,738
31 Aug 21₹14,024
31 Aug 22₹14,315
31 Aug 23₹16,173
31 Aug 24₹20,221

ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹458,689.
Net Profit of ₹158,689
Invest Now

Returns for ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 6.7%
3 Month 10.7%
6 Month 20.3%
1 Year 24.2%
3 Year 13.8%
5 Year 16.2%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 17.1%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 17.9%
2022 11.9%
2021 23.5%
2020 -5.5%
2019 14.5%
2018 -0.4%
2017 45.1%
2016 21.1%
2015 -7.2%
2014 69%
Fund Manager information for ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund
Roshan Chutkey29 Jan 186.59 Yr.
Sharmila D’mello30 Jun 222.17 Yr.

Data below for ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services92.37%
Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 08 | 500180
23%₹1,916 Cr11,704,595
↑ 501,283
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 08 | 532174
19%₹1,586 Cr12,906,483
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 23 | 500247
6%₹524 Cr2,940,967
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 19 | 532215
6%₹495 Cr4,214,404
↑ 1,006,462
SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 17 | 540719
6%₹485 Cr2,623,644
↓ -95,423
HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 23 | 540777
5%₹374 Cr5,065,853
↑ 89,030
Bajaj Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Nov 23 | 500034
3%₹260 Cr361,247
↑ 79,552
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 19 | 540716
3%₹257 Cr1,199,865
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 08 | 500112
3%₹241 Cr2,948,819
↑ 205,278
IndusInd Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 24 | 532187
2%₹171 Cr1,197,797
↑ 26,669

2. Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund

The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation to unit holders from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related securities of companies engaged in banking and financial services. The Scheme does not guarantee/indicate any returns. There can be no assurance that the schemes’ objectives will be achieved.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund is a Equity - Sectoral fund was launched on 14 Dec 13. It is a fund with High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 17.9% since its launch.  Ranked 3 in Sectoral category.  Return for 2023 was 21.7% , 2022 was 11.5% and 2021 was 16.8% .

Below is the key information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund

Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund
Launch Date 14 Dec 13
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹58.99 ↑ 0.01   (0.02 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹3,256 on 31 Jul 24
Category Equity - Sectoral
AMC Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk High
Expense Ratio 1.99
Sharpe Ratio 0.9
Information Ratio 0.3
Alpha Ratio 4.43
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load 0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹8,825
31 Aug 21₹14,416
31 Aug 22₹14,597
31 Aug 23₹17,203
31 Aug 24₹20,916

Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹470,047.
Net Profit of ₹170,047
Invest Now

Returns for Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 7.6%
3 Month 8.3%
6 Month 20%
1 Year 21.6%
3 Year 14%
5 Year 17.2%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 17.9%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 21.7%
2022 11.5%
2021 16.8%
2020 1.1%
2019 14.9%
2018 -2.4%
2017 47.6%
2016 15.7%
2015 -0.5%
2014 65.8%
Fund Manager information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund
Dhaval Gala26 Aug 159.02 Yr.
Dhaval Joshi21 Nov 221.78 Yr.

Data below for Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking And Financial Services Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services95.01%
Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 13 | 532174
19%₹614 Cr4,993,129
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 13 | 500180
17%₹546 Cr3,336,948
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 18 | 532215
7%₹226 Cr1,927,100
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 17 | 500112
6%₹192 Cr2,351,492
Bajaj Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 16 | 500034
5%₹168 Cr233,725
Shriram Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 23 | SHRIRAMFIN
4%₹121 Cr377,916
Repco Home Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 13 | 535322
3%₹110 Cr2,095,955
Computer Age Management Services Ltd Ordinary Shares (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 23 | CAMS
3%₹108 Cr252,692
Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 20 | CHOLAHLDNG
3%₹107 Cr667,972
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Nov 23 | AUBANK
3%₹100 Cr1,446,861

3. Invesco India Financial Services Fund

(Erstwhile Invesco India Banking Fund)

The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long-term capital growth from a portfolio of equity and equity-related securities of companies engaged in the business of banking and financial services.

Invesco India Financial Services Fund is a Equity - Sectoral fund was launched on 14 Jul 08. It is a fund with High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 17.2% since its launch.  Ranked 5 in Sectoral category.  Return for 2023 was 26% , 2022 was 12.8% and 2021 was 14% .

Below is the key information for Invesco India Financial Services Fund

Invesco India Financial Services Fund
Launch Date 14 Jul 08
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹130.95
Net Assets (Cr) ₹949 on 31 Jul 24
Category Equity - Sectoral
AMC Invesco Asset Management (India) Private Ltd
Risk High
Expense Ratio 2.39
Sharpe Ratio 2.16
Information Ratio 0.71
Alpha Ratio 19.35
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹9,379
31 Aug 21₹14,422
31 Aug 22₹14,378
31 Aug 23₹16,371
31 Aug 24₹23,136

Invesco India Financial Services Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹493,520.
Net Profit of ₹193,520
Invest Now

Returns for Invesco India Financial Services Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 6.6%
3 Month 10.4%
6 Month 24%
1 Year 40.8%
3 Year 17.3%
5 Year 19.7%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 17.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 26%
2022 12.8%
2021 14%
2020 2.4%
2019 21.2%
2018 -0.3%
2017 45.2%
2016 10.4%
2015 -2.1%
2014 55.8%
Fund Manager information for Invesco India Financial Services Fund
Dhimant Kothari1 Jun 186.26 Yr.
Hiten Jain19 May 204.29 Yr.

Data below for Invesco India Financial Services Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services93.52%
Health Care1.78%
Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 09 | 532174
20%₹192 Cr1,564,173
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 08 | 500180
10%₹101 Cr616,651
↑ 31,699
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 May 18 | 532215
8%₹76 Cr645,964
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 20 | 500112
7%₹68 Cr838,841
HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 24 | 541729
4%₹37 Cr82,644
↑ 71,313
PB Fintech Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Nov 21 | 543390
4%₹36 Cr202,712
↓ -50
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 20 | 540719
4%₹34 Cr185,174
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 17 | 511243
3%₹33 Cr226,548
REC Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 23 | RECLTD
3%₹32 Cr522,276
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 23 | 540716
3%₹32 Cr150,629

4. Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund

Seek capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related securities of indian companies engaged in banking and financial Services.

Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund is a Equity - Sectoral fund was launched on 10 Jun 08. It is a fund with High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 15.4% since its launch.  Ranked 23 in Sectoral category.  Return for 2023 was 31.1% , 2022 was 16.8% and 2021 was 15.3% .

Below is the key information for Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund

Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund
Launch Date 10 Jun 08
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹102.148 ↓ -0.26   (-0.26 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,409 on 31 Jul 24
Category Equity - Sectoral
AMC Sundaram Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk High
Expense Ratio 2.24
Sharpe Ratio 1.52
Information Ratio 1.34
Alpha Ratio 11.55
Min Investment 100,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹9,267
31 Aug 21₹14,464
31 Aug 22₹15,071
31 Aug 23₹18,280
31 Aug 24₹24,120

Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹505,644.
Net Profit of ₹205,644
Invest Now

Returns for Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 6%
3 Month 5.9%
6 Month 18.7%
1 Year 29.7%
3 Year 19%
5 Year 20.4%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 15.4%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 31.1%
2022 16.8%
2021 15.3%
2020 2.7%
2019 26.4%
2018 -3.7%
2017 33.3%
2016 12.8%
2015 -9%
2014 58%
Fund Manager information for Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund
Rohit Seksaria30 Dec 176.68 Yr.
Ashish Aggarwal1 Jan 222.67 Yr.

Data below for Sundaram Financial Services Opportunities Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services95.24%
Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 08 | 500180
14%₹199 Cr1,215,731
↓ -334,234
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 10 | 532215
9%₹133 Cr1,135,593
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 10 | 532174
8%₹117 Cr955,075
↑ 7,504
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 08 | 500112
5%₹72 Cr885,294
Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 22 | CHOLAHLDNG
5%₹69 Cr431,376
ICICI Securities Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 24 | ISEC
4%₹64 Cr778,252
↓ -11,200
Shriram Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 23 | SHRIRAMFIN
4%₹60 Cr188,623
IndusInd Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 20 | 532187
4%₹57 Cr397,378
↑ 20,457
Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd Ordinary Shares (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 23 | 543243
4%₹55 Cr6,736,696
Bajaj Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 18 | 500034
4%₹54 Cr74,802
↑ 31,542

5. UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund

(Erstwhile UTI Banking Sector Fund)

Investment objective is "capital appreciation" through investments in the stocks of the companies/institutions engaged in the banking and financial services activities.

UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund is a Equity - Sectoral fund was launched on 7 Apr 04. It is a fund with High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 15.2% since its launch.  Ranked 20 in Sectoral category.  Return for 2023 was 19.5% , 2022 was 15.1% and 2021 was 14.3% .

Below is the key information for UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund

UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund
Launch Date 7 Apr 04
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹178.354 ↓ -0.82   (-0.46 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,145 on 31 Jul 24
Category Equity - Sectoral
AMC UTI Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk High
Expense Ratio 2.28
Sharpe Ratio 1.13
Information Ratio 0.41
Alpha Ratio 7.85
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹8,286
31 Aug 21₹12,940
31 Aug 22₹13,398
31 Aug 23₹15,107
31 Aug 24₹19,050

UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹447,579.
Net Profit of ₹147,579
Invest Now

Returns for UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 6.7%
3 Month 7.2%
6 Month 19.7%
1 Year 26.5%
3 Year 14.1%
5 Year 15.1%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 15.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 19.5%
2022 15.1%
2021 14.3%
2020 -5.3%
2019 11.6%
2018 -6.8%
2017 43.5%
2016 13%
2015 -11.3%
2014 64%
Fund Manager information for UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund
Preethi S2 May 222.34 Yr.

Data below for UTI Banking and Financial Services Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services96.84%
Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 09 | 500180
20%₹235 Cr1,433,655
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 04 | 532174
14%₹159 Cr1,295,000
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 18 | 500112
5%₹61 Cr750,000
↑ 270,000
Shriram Finance Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 24 | SHRIRAMFIN
5%₹56 Cr174,136
HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 24 | 540777
4%₹49 Cr667,890
↑ 390,000
REC Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Nov 23 | RECLTD
4%₹42 Cr682,000
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 18 | 532215
4%₹41 Cr350,000
↓ -360,000
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 18 | KARURVYSYA
3%₹40 Cr1,809,825
Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd Ordinary Shares (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 23 | 540767
3%₹36 Cr538,368
India Shelter Finance Corporation Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 23 | 544044
3%₹35 Cr469,617

ഇവിടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന വിവരങ്ങൾ കൃത്യമാണെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാക്കാൻ എല്ലാ ശ്രമങ്ങളും നടത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. എന്നിരുന്നാലും, ഡാറ്റയുടെ കൃത്യത സംബന്ധിച്ച് യാതൊരു ഉറപ്പും നൽകുന്നില്ല. എന്തെങ്കിലും നിക്ഷേപം നടത്തുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് സ്കീം വിവര രേഖ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് പരിശോധിക്കുക.
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