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మీ మొత్తం పెట్టుబడి కోసం Mut ణ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్స్

Updated on October 1, 2024 , 1994 views

సాధారణంగా, ఎవరైనా కోరుకున్నప్పుడుమ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్లలో పెట్టుబడి పెట్టండి, వారు ఒక తీసుకోవాలి అని వారు అయోమయంలో ఉన్నారుSIP మార్గం లేదా మొత్తం. మీ కోసం దీన్ని సులభతరం చేద్దాం! డెట్ ఫండ్లలో పెట్టుబడులు పెట్టాలని యోచిస్తున్న పెట్టుబడిదారులు ఆదర్శంగా వన్-టైమ్ చెల్లింపు మోడ్‌ను ఎన్నుకోవాలి, ఇది మొత్తం పెట్టుబడి విధానం. తక్కువ వ్యవధిలో సులభంగా పెట్టుబడి పెట్టడం ఎల్లప్పుడూ తెలివైనదేద్రవ్య.

డెట్ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్ పెట్టుబడికి ఒకే మొత్తం ఎందుకు?

ఒకే మొత్తంలో పెట్టుబడి కోసం, డెట్ ఫండ్స్ పోలిస్తే మంచి ఎంపికఈక్విటీ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్స్. ఒకే మొత్తం మార్గం వడ్డీ రేటులో మార్పు ప్రమాదాన్ని తగ్గిస్తుంది, అలాగే స్థిర డిపాజిట్ల (ఎఫ్‌డి) తో పోల్చితే మంచి రాబడిని ఇస్తుంది. ఆదర్శవంతంగా, మీరు ఒకే మొత్తంలో రూట్ ఫండ్లలో పెట్టుబడి పెట్టినప్పుడు, ఇది రెండు సమస్యలను పరిష్కరిస్తుంది- ఒకటి పన్ను ప్రయోజనాలు మరియు మరొకటి తిరిగి పెట్టుబడి ప్రమాదం.

పెరుగుతున్న వడ్డీ రేట్ల సమయంలో, అధిక-నాణ్యత గల పోర్ట్‌ఫోలియోతో రుణ ఆధారిత నిధులలో ఒకే మొత్తంలో వెళ్ళడానికి ఇది మంచి సమయంబాండ్స్. ఈ నిధులు సాధారణంగా పనిలేకుండా పొదుపు చేసేవారికి అనుకూలంగా ఉంటాయి మరియు సరైన రాబడి కోసం పెట్టుబడి పెట్టాలనుకుంటాయి. ఒకే మొత్తంలో ఎంత మొత్తంలో అయినా చెల్లించవచ్చుమ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్.

ఒక క్రమబద్ధమైనదానితో పోల్చితే ఒకే మొత్తం పెట్టుబడి బాగా పనిచేస్తుందిపెట్టుబడి ప్రణాళిక- మార్కెట్ తిరోగమనంలో లేదా తక్కువ విలువలతో పెట్టుబడి పెడితే మాత్రమే. అయితే, మొత్తంఇన్వెస్టింగ్ మార్కెట్ విలువలు విస్తరించినప్పుడు లేదా మీ పెట్టుబడి యొక్క ప్రారంభ దశలో మార్కెట్లు బాగా సరిదిద్దినప్పుడు ఎక్కువ పెట్టుబడి పెడితే పనిచేయకపోవచ్చు.

Why Debt Mutual Fund for Lump sum Investing

రుణ నిధులలో ఎలా పెట్టుబడి పెట్టాలి: మూల్యాంకనం చేయండి

ఫండ్ రిటర్న్స్- ఆహారంలో మంచి ట్రాక్ రికార్డ్ ఉండాలి. స్థిరమైన పనితీరును అందించే బలమైన చరిత్ర కలిగిన ఫండ్ హౌస్ కోసం వెళ్లండి. ఫండ్ యొక్క గత 1, 3 మరియు 5 సంవత్సరాల రాబడిని తనిఖీ చేయండి మరియు దాని బెంచ్‌మార్క్‌ను అధిగమించగలిగితే లేదా.

మ్యాచ్ హారిజన్స్ మ్యాచ్- డెట్ ఫండ్స్ సంబంధిత మెచ్యూరిటీ కాలంతో పెట్టుబడి యొక్క విభిన్న ఎంపికలను అందిస్తాయి. పెట్టుబడిదారులు వారి మెచ్యూరిటీ వ్యవధి ఆధారంగా పెట్టుబడిని నిర్ణయించుకోవాలి, వారు ఇతర వాటితో కూడా పోల్చవచ్చుడెట్ ఫండ్ సాధన మరియు వారి ప్రణాళికకు ఉత్తమమైనదాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి. ఉదాహరణకు, మీరు ఒక సంవత్సరం పెట్టుబడి ప్రణాళిక యొక్క కాలపరిమితిని చూస్తున్నట్లయితే, స్వల్పకాలిక రుణ నిధి ఆదర్శంగా సరిపోతుంది.

ఖర్చు నిష్పత్తి- డెట్ ఫండ్లలో పరిగణించవలసిన ముఖ్యమైన అంశం దాని ఖర్చు నిష్పత్తి. అధిక వ్యయ నిష్పత్తి నిధుల పనితీరుపై పెద్ద ప్రభావాన్ని సృష్టిస్తుంది. ఉదాహరణకి,ద్రవ నిధులు 50 బిపిఎస్ వరకు ఉండే అతి తక్కువ వ్యయ నిష్పత్తులను కలిగి ఉండండి (వడ్డీ రేట్లను కొలవడానికి బిపిఎస్ ఒక యూనిట్, ఇందులో ఒక బిపిఎస్ 1% లో 1/100 వ వంతుకు సమానం) అయితే, ఇతర రుణ నిధులు 150 బిపిఎస్ వరకు వసూలు చేయవచ్చు. కాబట్టి ఒక డెట్ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్ మధ్య ఎంపిక చేసుకోవటానికి, నిర్వహణ రుసుము లేదా ఫండ్ రన్నింగ్ ఖర్చును పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోవడం చాలా ముఖ్యం.

టాప్ 10 బెస్ట్ లంప్ సమ్ డెట్ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్స్ 2020 - 2021

క్రింద ఉన్న టాప్ ర్యాంక్ ఫండ్స్రుణ వర్గాలు ప్రధానంగా నిధులను కలిగి ఉంటాయిAUM> 2000 కోట్లు & అల్ట్రా-షార్ట్, కార్పొరేట్ బాండ్, క్రెడిట్ రిస్క్, తక్కువ వ్యవధి ఉప వర్గాలలో ఉన్నాయి.

FundNAVNet Assets (Cr)Min Investment3 MO (%)6 MO (%)1 YR (%)3 YR (%)2023 (%)Debt Yield (YTM)Mod. DurationEff. Maturity
Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund Growth ₹106.39
↓ -0.05
₹22,000 1,000 7M 13D5Y 4M 2D
HDFC Corporate Bond Fund Growth ₹30.6756
↓ 0.00
₹30,873 5,000 7M 6D5Y 8M 1D
Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund Growth ₹517.601
↑ 0.23
₹13,259 1,000 1D6M 25D
Nippon India Prime Debt Fund Growth ₹56.3891
↓ -0.02
₹3,437 1,000 11M 1D5Y 2M 16D
Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard Growth ₹3,552.11
↓ -1.23
₹13,507 5,000 5M 1D5Y 4D
HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund Growth ₹22.7229
↑ 0.01
₹7,616 5,000 2M 8D3Y 1M 20D
Note: Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1. Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund

(Erstwhile Aditya Birla Sun Life Short Term Fund)

An Open-ended income scheme with the objective to generate income and capital appreciation by investing 100% of the corpus in a diversified portfolio of debt and money market securities.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund is a Debt - Corporate Bond fund was launched on 3 Mar 97. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 9% since its launch.  Ranked 1 in Corporate Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 7.3% , 2022 was 4.1% and 2021 was 4% .

Below is the key information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund

Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund
Launch Date 3 Mar 97
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹106.39 ↓ -0.05   (-0.04 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹22,000 on 15 Sep 24
Category Debt - Corporate Bond
AMC Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.5
Sharpe Ratio 1.09
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.56%
Effective Maturity 5 Years 4 Months 2 Days
Modified Duration 3 Years 7 Months 13 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹11,116
30 Sep 21₹11,797
30 Sep 22₹12,150
30 Sep 23₹13,037
30 Sep 24₹14,164

Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 1.1%
3 Month 2.7%
6 Month 4.6%
1 Year 8.7%
3 Year 6.3%
5 Year 7.2%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 9%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.3%
2022 4.1%
2021 4%
2020 11.9%
2019 9.6%
2018 7%
2017 6.5%
2016 10.2%
2015 8.9%
2014 10.9%
Fund Manager information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund
Kaustubh Gupta12 Apr 213.39 Yr.
Dhaval Joshi21 Nov 221.78 Yr.

Data below for Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund as on 15 Sep 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent4.59%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
11%₹2,313 Cr227,000,000
↑ 1,000,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
7%₹1,466 Cr143,324,100
↑ 9,500,000
Small Industries Development Bank Of India
Debentures | -
3%₹694 Cr69,550
7.26% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹666 Cr65,089,300
8% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹648 Cr64,137,700
Small Industries Development Bank Of India
Debentures | -
3%₹599 Cr6,000
Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd. 7.8%
Debentures | -
3%₹551 Cr55,000
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
2%₹487 Cr48,500
Bajaj Finance Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹450 Cr45,000
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
2%₹398 Cr4,000

2. HDFC Corporate Bond Fund

(Erstwhile HDFC Medium Term Opportunities Fund)

To generate regular income through investments in Debt/ Money Market Instruments and Government Securities with maturities not exceeding 60 months.

HDFC Corporate Bond Fund is a Debt - Corporate Bond fund was launched on 29 Jun 10. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.2% since its launch.  Ranked 2 in Corporate Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 7.2% , 2022 was 3.3% and 2021 was 3.9% .

Below is the key information for HDFC Corporate Bond Fund

HDFC Corporate Bond Fund
Launch Date 29 Jun 10
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹30.6756 ↓ 0.00   (-0.01 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹30,873 on 15 Sep 24
Category Debt - Corporate Bond
AMC HDFC Asset Management Company Limited
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.59
Sharpe Ratio 1.18
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 300
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.6%
Effective Maturity 5 Years 8 Months 1 Day
Modified Duration 3 Years 7 Months 6 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹11,086
30 Sep 21₹11,776
30 Sep 22₹12,049
30 Sep 23₹12,930
30 Sep 24₹14,021

HDFC Corporate Bond Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹200,132.
Net Profit of ₹20,132
Invest Now

Returns for HDFC Corporate Bond Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 1%
3 Month 2.7%
6 Month 4.6%
1 Year 8.5%
3 Year 6%
5 Year 7%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 8.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.2%
2022 3.3%
2021 3.9%
2020 11.8%
2019 10.3%
2018 6.5%
2017 6.5%
2016 10.6%
2015 8.6%
2014 10.9%
Fund Manager information for HDFC Corporate Bond Fund
Anupam Joshi27 Oct 158.85 Yr.
Dhruv Muchhal22 Jun 231.19 Yr.

Data below for HDFC Corporate Bond Fund as on 15 Sep 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.45%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.23% Govt Stock 2039
Sovereign Bonds | -
5%₹1,440 Cr140,000,000
↑ 15,000,000
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
5%₹1,372 Cr135,000,000
↑ 20,000,000
8.34% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
4%₹1,287 Cr125,000,000
8% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹758 Cr75,000,000
Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹556 Cr5,670
Reliance Industries Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹526 Cr5,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹509 Cr50,000,000
↓ -5,000,000
HDFC Bank Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹506 Cr50,000
Bajaj Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹503 Cr50,000
LIC Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹499 Cr5,000

3. Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund

The primary objective of the schemes is to generate regular income through investments in debt and money market instruments. Income maybe generated through the receipt of coupon payments or the purchase and sale of securities in the underlying portfolio. The schemes will under normal market conditions, invest its net assets in fixed income securities, money market instruments, cash and cash equivalents.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund is a Debt - Ultrashort Bond fund was launched on 16 Apr 03. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.4% since its launch.  Ranked 6 in Ultrashort Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 7.2% , 2022 was 4.8% and 2021 was 3.9% .

Below is the key information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund

Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund
Launch Date 16 Apr 03
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹517.601 ↑ 0.23   (0.04 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹13,259 on 15 Sep 24
Category Debt - Ultrashort Bond
AMC Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.54
Sharpe Ratio 1.46
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.82%
Effective Maturity 6 Months 25 Days
Modified Duration 5 Months 1 Day

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹10,751
30 Sep 21₹11,218
30 Sep 22₹11,671
30 Sep 23₹12,497
30 Sep 24₹13,441

Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹200,132.
Net Profit of ₹20,132
Invest Now

Returns for Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 0.7%
3 Month 1.8%
6 Month 3.8%
1 Year 7.6%
3 Year 6.2%
5 Year 6.1%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.4%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.2%
2022 4.8%
2021 3.9%
2020 7%
2019 8.5%
2018 7.6%
2017 7.2%
2016 9.2%
2015 8.9%
2014 9.7%
Fund Manager information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund
Sunaina Cunha20 Jun 1410.21 Yr.
Kaustubh Gupta15 Jul 1113.14 Yr.
Monika Gandhi22 Mar 213.45 Yr.
Dhaval Joshi21 Nov 221.78 Yr.

Data below for Aditya Birla Sun Life Savings Fund as on 15 Sep 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent21.29%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
National Housing Bank 7.83%
Debentures | -
6%₹820 Cr82,000
Nirma Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹501 Cr50,000
Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹500 Cr50,000
↑ 50,000
National Housing Bank 7.78%
Debentures | -
3%₹400 Cr40,000
Tata Realty And Infrastructure Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹360 Cr36,000
Bharti Telecom Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹325 Cr3,250
Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd. 8%
Debentures | -
2%₹300 Cr30,000
7.72% Govt Stock 2028
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹292 Cr29,000,000
Nirma Limited 8.3%
Debentures | -
2%₹250 Cr25,000
Cholamandalam Investment And Finance Company Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹249 Cr2,500

4. Nippon India Prime Debt Fund

(Erstwhile Reliance Medium Term Fund)

The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate regular income in order to make regular dividend payments to unit-holders and the secondary objective is growth of capital.

Nippon India Prime Debt Fund is a Debt - Corporate Bond fund was launched on 14 Sep 00. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.5% since its launch.  Ranked 20 in Corporate Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 7.1% , 2022 was 4.3% and 2021 was 4.7% .

Below is the key information for Nippon India Prime Debt Fund

Nippon India Prime Debt Fund
Launch Date 14 Sep 00
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹56.3891 ↓ -0.02   (-0.04 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹3,437 on 31 Aug 24
Category Debt - Corporate Bond
AMC Nippon Life Asset Management Ltd.
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.69
Sharpe Ratio 0.92
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.5%
Effective Maturity 5 Years 2 Months 16 Days
Modified Duration 3 Years 11 Months 1 Day

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹10,894
30 Sep 21₹11,588
30 Sep 22₹11,972
30 Sep 23₹12,848
30 Sep 24₹13,945

Nippon India Prime Debt Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹200,132.
Net Profit of ₹20,132
Invest Now

Returns for Nippon India Prime Debt Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 1.1%
3 Month 2.7%
6 Month 4.5%
1 Year 8.6%
3 Year 6.4%
5 Year 6.9%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.5%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.1%
2022 4.3%
2021 4.7%
2020 9.5%
2019 7.8%
2018 6.9%
2017 6.6%
2016 9.1%
2015 8.7%
2014 9.3%
Fund Manager information for Nippon India Prime Debt Fund
Vivek Sharma1 Feb 204.58 Yr.
Kinjal Desai25 May 186.27 Yr.

Data below for Nippon India Prime Debt Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent4.56%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
12%₹427 Cr42,000,000
↑ 9,500,000
7.32% Govt Stock 2030
Sovereign Bonds | -
5%₹184 Cr18,000,000
↓ -10,000,000
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
4%₹125 Cr12,500
Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹110 Cr11,000
↑ 6,000
Reliance Jio Infratel Private Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹110 Cr11,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹102 Cr10,000,000
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹98 Cr950
Summit Digitel Infrastructure Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹98 Cr1,000
Bajaj Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹91 Cr9,000
Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Debentures | -
2%₹78 Cr780

5. Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard

The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate income through investment primarily in low duration debt & money market securities. However, there is no assurance that the objective of the scheme will be realized.

Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard is a Debt - Corporate Bond fund was launched on 21 Sep 07. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.7% since its launch.  Ranked 15 in Corporate Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 6.9% , 2022 was 3.7% and 2021 was 3.8% .

Below is the key information for Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard

Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard
Launch Date 21 Sep 07
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹3,552.11 ↓ -1.23   (-0.03 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹13,507 on 31 Aug 24
Category Debt - Corporate Bond
AMC Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.67
Sharpe Ratio 0.93
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.53%
Effective Maturity 5 Years 4 Days
Modified Duration 3 Years 5 Months 1 Day

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹10,936
30 Sep 21₹11,544
30 Sep 22₹11,856
30 Sep 23₹12,655
30 Sep 24₹13,720

Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹200,132.
Net Profit of ₹20,132
Invest Now

Returns for Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 1.1%
3 Month 2.7%
6 Month 4.5%
1 Year 8.5%
3 Year 6%
5 Year 6.5%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.7%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.9%
2022 3.7%
2021 3.8%
2020 9.7%
2019 9.6%
2018 7.5%
2017 6.9%
2016 9.4%
2015 8.8%
2014 11.3%
Fund Manager information for Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard
Deepak Agrawal1 Feb 159.59 Yr.
Manu Sharma1 Nov 221.83 Yr.

Data below for Kotak Corporate Bond Fund Standard as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent2.81%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
15%₹1,991 Cr195,435,090
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
7%₹950 Cr93,432,700
↑ 5,000,000
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
5%₹712 Cr71,000
↓ -10,000
Jamnagar Utilities & Power Private Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹555 Cr5,700
↑ 1,000
LIC Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹456 Cr4,550
Bajaj Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹435 Cr43,500
8.34% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹379 Cr36,812,177
HDFC Bank Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹371 Cr37,000
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd
Debentures | -
2%₹300 Cr30,000
Small Industries Development Bank Of India
Debentures | -
2%₹296 Cr29,500

6. HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund

(Erstwhile HDFC Corporate Debt Opportunities Fund)

To generate regular income and capital appreciation by investing predominantly in corporate debt.

HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund is a Debt - Credit Risk fund was launched on 25 Mar 14. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.1% since its launch.  Ranked 9 in Credit Risk category.  Return for 2023 was 6.6% , 2022 was 3.7% and 2021 was 7% .

Below is the key information for HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund

HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund
Launch Date 25 Mar 14
NAV (03 Oct 24) ₹22.7229 ↑ 0.01   (0.04 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹7,616 on 15 Sep 24
Category Debt - Credit Risk
AMC HDFC Asset Management Company Limited
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 1.51
Sharpe Ratio 0.89
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 300
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12-18 Months (0.5%),18 Months and above(NIL)
Yield to Maturity 8.5%
Effective Maturity 3 Years 1 Month 20 Days
Modified Duration 2 Years 2 Months 8 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

30 Sep 19₹10,000
30 Sep 20₹10,918
30 Sep 21₹12,022
30 Sep 22₹12,388
30 Sep 23₹13,214
30 Sep 24₹14,318

HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 3 Oct 24

1 Month 0.8%
3 Month 2.6%
6 Month 4.2%
1 Year 8.4%
3 Year 6%
5 Year 7.4%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 8.1%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.6%
2022 3.7%
2021 7%
2020 10.9%
2019 8.6%
2018 5.4%
2017 6.6%
2016 11%
2015 9%
Fund Manager information for HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund
Shobhit Mehrotra25 Mar 1410.44 Yr.
Dhruv Muchhal22 Jun 231.19 Yr.

Data below for HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund as on 15 Sep 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent8.36%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Power Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹296 Cr2,790
Tata Projects Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹250 Cr25,000
The Tata Power Company Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹233 Cr2,190
Embassy Office Parks Reit
Unlisted bonds | -
3%₹227 Cr5,858,223
↓ -100,000
Resco Global Wind Services Private Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹200 Cr20,000
TATA Motors Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹200 Cr2,000
Ongc Petro Additions Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹200 Cr20,000
Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹199 Cr20,000
TATA Motors Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹190 Cr1,900
TVS Credit Services Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹181 Cr180

లంప్ సమ్ డెట్ మ్యూచువల్ ఫండ్ ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో ఎలా పెట్టుబడి పెట్టాలి?

  1. ఫిన్‌కాష్.కామ్‌లో జీవితకాలం కోసం ఉచిత పెట్టుబడి ఖాతాను తెరవండి.

  2. మీ నమోదు మరియు KYC ప్రాసెస్‌ను పూర్తి చేయండి

  3. పత్రాలను అప్‌లోడ్ చేయండి (పాన్, ఆధార్, మొదలైనవి).మరియు, మీరు పెట్టుబడి పెట్టడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉన్నారు!


ఇక్కడ అందించిన సమాచారం ఖచ్చితమైనదని నిర్ధారించడానికి అన్ని ప్రయత్నాలు జరిగాయి. ఏదేమైనా, డేటా యొక్క ఖచ్చితత్వానికి సంబంధించి ఎటువంటి హామీలు ఇవ్వబడవు. ఏదైనా పెట్టుబడి పెట్టడానికి ముందు దయచేసి స్కీమ్ సమాచార పత్రంతో ధృవీకరించండి.
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