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فنکاش »باہمی چندہ »ایف ڈی بمقابلہ ڈیبٹ فنڈ

ایف ڈی بمقابلہ ڈیبٹ میوچل فنڈ

Updated on September 16, 2024 , 7447 views

ایف ڈی بمقابلہقرض فنڈ? سوچناکہاں سرمایہ کاری کرنا ہے اچھا منافع کمانے کے لیے آپ کی بچت۔ عام طور پر لوگ غور کرتے ہیں۔سرمایہ کاری فکسڈ ڈپازٹ یا FD میں سب سے آسان آپشن ہے کیونکہ یہ محفوظ ہے اور فکسڈ ریٹرن پیش کرتا ہے۔ لیکن کیا یہ بہترین طریقہ ہے؟ اگرچہ فکسڈ ڈپازٹ سب کے لیے سرمایہ کاری کا ایک آسان آپشن ہے، تاہم، قابل ٹیکس ہونے والے فکسڈ ڈپازٹ کے منافع ڈیبٹ فنڈ کے مقابلے بہت کم ہیں۔ مزید برآں، جب طویل مدت کے لیے منعقد کیا جاتا ہے، قرضباہمی چندہ اچھا منافع پیش کرتے ہیں. ڈیٹ میوچل فنڈز یا فکسڈ ڈپازٹ میں سرمایہ کاری کرنے کا حتمی فیصلہ کرنے سے پہلے، ان سرمایہ کاری کے تفصیلی موازنہ کو دیکھیں۔



ڈیبٹ میوچل فنڈز (ڈیبٹ فنڈ) بمقابلہ فکسڈ ڈپازٹس (ایف ڈی)

ہمیں خطرہ مول لینے کی صلاحیت اور اس کے انعقاد کی مطلوبہ مدت کے ذریعے اسے توڑنا ہوگا۔سرمایہ کار سوال میں.

مختصر انعقاد کی مدت (1 سال یا اس سے کم)

یہاں قرض فنڈ کے اختیارات محدود ہوں گے۔مائع فنڈزالٹرامختصر مدت کے فنڈز اور مختصر مدتآمدنی فنڈز اگرچہ ریٹرن یا پیداوار عام طور پر مائع سے الٹرا شارٹ سے شارٹ ٹرم فنڈ تک زیادہ ہوتی ہے، لیکن ان ڈیٹ فنڈز اور فکسڈ ڈپازٹ کے درمیان پیداوار کے فرق کا تعین ان کے پچھلے ایک سال کے ریٹرن کو دیکھتے ہوئے کیا جا سکتا ہے۔

ڈیبٹ میوچل فنڈ (زمرہ اوسط واپسی)

قرض میوچل فنڈ کی قسم گزشتہ 1 سال واپسی (%)
مائع فنڈ 7.36
الٹرا شارٹ ٹرم ڈیبٹ فنڈز 9.18
قلیل مدتی قرض فنڈز 9.78
ڈائنامک ڈیبٹ فنڈز 13.89
طویل مدتی قرض فنڈز 13.19
گلٹ قلیل مدتی فنڈز 11.76
گلٹ طویل مدتی فنڈز 15.06
20 فروری 2017 تک کا ڈیٹا

فکسڈ ڈپازٹ یا ایف ڈی کی اوسط واپسی کی شرح

فکسڈ ڈپازٹس کی اوسط واپسی کی شرح 8-8.5% p.a کے درمیان ہے۔ سال 2016 میں (تاکہ کوئی بھی ٹیبل میں مذکورہ بالا منافع کا موازنہ کر سکے)۔ تاہم، پچھلے ایک سال میں، واپسی کی شرح 6.6-7.5% p.a تک گر گئی ہے۔

مندرجہ بالا مثال کے ساتھ، یہ واضح ہے کہ ڈیبٹ فنڈز کی واپسی کی اوسط شرح فکسڈ ڈپازٹس سے بہتر ہے۔

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طویل مدتی انعقاد کی مدت

طویل مدتی انعقاد کے ساتھ، قرض فنڈز FDs سے بہتر ثابت ہو سکتے ہیں۔

یہاں سرمایہ کاری کے اختیارات یہ ہوں گے:

  • طویل مدتی آمدنی کے فنڈز
  • طویل مدتی گلٹ،
  • کارپوریٹبانڈ فنڈز (زیادہ پیداوار کے فنڈز)، اوپر بیان کردہ مائع کے اختیارات کے علاوہ، الٹرا شارٹ اور شارٹ ٹرم فنڈز بھی استعمال کیے جا سکتے ہیں۔

یہ دیکھتے ہوئے کہ انعقاد کی مدت 3 سال یا اس سے زیادہ ہوسکتی ہے، ہم درج ذیل کہہ سکتے ہیں:

  • کے ساتھسرمایہ اشاریہ سازی کے فوائد کے ساتھ 20% پر ٹیکس حاصل کرتا ہے، خالص ٹیکس کے واقعات کم سے کم ہوں گے (تاہم کسی کو ٹیکس کے واقعات کا حساب لگانا چاہیے ٹیکس کے سال کے حساب سے)
  • طویل مدتی آمدنی کے فنڈز/گلٹ فنڈز اعلی پیداوار کے ساتھ اور اس کے علاوہ، اگر سود کی شرحیں نیچے جائیں تو بہت زیادہ منافع ملے گا۔
  • کوئی بھی ان قرض فنڈز کے ساتھ اعلی دوہرے ہندسے کی واپسی کے ساتھ ختم ہوسکتا ہے۔

لانگ ٹرم انکم فنڈز پر ریٹرن کی ذیل کی مثال لیں، زمرہ کے لیے اوسط آخری 1 سال کا منافع 12.19% ہے اور پچھلے 3 سالوں میں 10.32% p.a. اس مدت میں کوئی بھی ایف ڈی اس جیسی واپسی نہیں دے سکتا تھا۔ گلٹ فنڈ کے منافع اور بھی زیادہ ہیں۔ اسی مدت میں، پچھلے سال FD کی شرح زیادہ تر بینکوں میں 8-8.5% سالانہ کے قریب ہوتی، (اگرچہ آج شرحیں مزید گر کر 6.5 - 7.5% ہو گئی ہیں)



لہذا ایک سرمایہ کار کے ساتھ طویل مدتی ہولڈنگ اور سود کی شرحیں گرنے کے ساتھ، ایک قرض فنڈ (طویل مدتی آمدنی یا گلٹ) FD کے مقابلے میں زیادہ بہتر منافع دے گا۔ یہاں تک کہ شرح سود میں کمی نہ ہونے کی صورت میں بھی، زیادہ پیداوار والے کارپوریٹ بانڈ فنڈز اسی مدت میں ایف ڈی کو مات دے گا۔

قرض میوچل فنڈز اور فکسڈ ڈپازٹس پر ٹیکس

ٹیکسیشن ڈیٹ فنڈز اور فکسڈ ڈپازٹس کے ریٹرن کا تعین کرنے میں بھی اہم کردار ادا کرتا ہے۔ عام طور پر، فکسڈ ڈپازٹس پر ٹیکس 33% (ٹیکس کی معمولی شرح) ہے جب کہ ڈیبٹ فنڈز پر اگر کوئی 3 سال سے کم نظریہ کے ساتھ سرمایہ کاری کرتا ہے تو ڈی ڈی ٹی (ڈیویڈنڈ ڈسٹری بیوشن ٹیکس) کاٹنا بہتر آپشن ہوگا۔ تقریباً 25% پر (+سرچارج وغیرہ)۔ اس سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ ڈیٹ میوچل فنڈز پر ٹیکس فکسڈ ڈپازٹ کے مقابلے نسبتاً کم ہے۔

قرض فنڈز کے ساتھ آنے والے اضافی فوائد یہ ہیں:

  • لیکویڈیٹی: رقم 1-2 دنوں کے اندر دستیاب ہو گی۔رہائی
  • پیشہ ورانہ انتظام: حکمت عملی کو متحرک طور پر تبدیل کرنے اور بازاروں سے فائدہ اٹھانے کی صلاحیت
  • قبل از وقت واپسی کا کوئی جرمانہ نہیں۔


پیرامیٹرز باہمی چندہ فکسڈ ڈپازٹس
واپسی کی شرح کوئی یقینی واپسی نہیں۔ فکسڈ ریٹرن
مہنگائی ایڈجسٹ ریٹرن اعلی افراط زر کی ایڈجسٹ شدہ واپسیوں کا امکان عام طور پر کم افراط زر کی ایڈجسٹ شدہ واپسی
خطرہ کم سے زیادہ خطرہ (فنڈ پر منحصر ہے۔ کم خطرہ
لیکویڈیٹی مائع مائع
قبل از وقت واپسی ایگزٹ لوڈ/نو لوڈ کے ساتھ اجازت ہے۔ جرمانے کے ساتھ اجازت ہے۔
سرمایہ کاری کی لاگت انتظامی لاگت/خرچ کا تناسب کوی قیمت نہیں

سرفہرست 8 بہترین کارکردگی والے قرض فنڈز 2022

مندرجہ بالا خالص اثاثوں/اے یو ایم والے قرض فنڈز کی فہرست ذیل میں ہے۔1000 کروڑ اور 3 سال کے مرکب پر ترتیب دیا گیا (سی اے جی آر) واپسی

1. Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan

The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate regular income through investments in debt & money market instruments in order to make regular dividend payments to unit holders & secondary objective is growth of capital.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan is a Debt - Medium term Bond fund was launched on 25 Mar 09. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.6% since its launch.  Ranked 6 in Medium term Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 6.9% , 2022 was 24.8% and 2021 was 7.1% .

Below is the key information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan

Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan
Launch Date 25 Mar 09
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹35.9133 ↓ -0.01   (-0.02 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,869 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Medium term Bond
AMC Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 1.55
Sharpe Ratio 0.58
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load 0-365 Days (1%),365 Days and above(NIL)
Yield to Maturity 7.86%
Effective Maturity 5 Years 1 Month 13 Days
Modified Duration 3 Years 9 Months 7 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹9,661
31 Aug 21₹10,646
31 Aug 22₹13,213
31 Aug 23₹14,136
31 Aug 24₹15,267

Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹206,148.
Net Profit of ₹26,148
Invest Now

Returns for Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.9%
3 Month 2.6%
6 Month 4.9%
1 Year 8.4%
3 Year 12.8%
5 Year 8.8%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 8.6%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.9%
2022 24.8%
2021 7.1%
2020 8.1%
2019 -4.4%
2018 5.6%
2017 7%
2016 10.9%
2015 9.5%
2014 12%
Fund Manager information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan
Sunaina Cunha1 Sep 1410.01 Yr.
Mohit Sharma6 Aug 204.07 Yr.
Dhaval Joshi21 Nov 221.78 Yr.

Data below for Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term Plan as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent6.5%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
29%₹550 Cr54,000,000
7.26% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
11%₹205 Cr20,000,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
6%₹107 Cr10,500,000
↑ 500,000
Creditaccess Grameen Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹50 Cr500,000
JSW Steel Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹50 Cr500
Belstar Microfinance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹50 Cr5,000
Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹48 Cr4,800
Hinduja Housing Finance Limited 8.85%
Debentures | -
2%₹46 Cr4,600
Nexus Select Trust
Debentures | -
2%₹40 Cr4,000
JM Financial Products Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹40 Cr4,000

2. UTI Treasury Advantage Fund

The scheme will endeavour to generate an attractive return for its investors consistent with capital preservation and liquidity by investing in a portfolio of quality debt securities, money market instruments and structured obligations.

UTI Treasury Advantage Fund is a Debt - Low Duration fund was launched on 23 Apr 07. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.2% since its launch.  Ranked 15 in Low Duration category.  Return for 2023 was 7.1% , 2022 was 4.5% and 2021 was 9% .

Below is the key information for UTI Treasury Advantage Fund

UTI Treasury Advantage Fund
Launch Date 23 Apr 07
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹3,338.3 ↑ 0.45   (0.01 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹2,849 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Low Duration
AMC UTI Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.44
Sharpe Ratio 0.59
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 10,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.55%
Effective Maturity 1 Year 11 Days
Modified Duration 11 Months 1 Day

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,798
31 Aug 21₹11,296
31 Aug 22₹12,277
31 Aug 23₹13,102
31 Aug 24₹14,059

UTI Treasury Advantage Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for UTI Treasury Advantage Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.7%
3 Month 2%
6 Month 3.9%
1 Year 7.5%
3 Year 7.7%
5 Year 7.1%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.1%
2022 4.5%
2021 9%
2020 7.3%
2019 -4.2%
2018 7.3%
2017 7%
2016 8.9%
2015 8.8%
2014 9.3%
Fund Manager information for UTI Treasury Advantage Fund
Anurag Mittal1 Dec 212.75 Yr.

Data below for UTI Treasury Advantage Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent21.79%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Larsen And Toubro Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹125 Cr12,500
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
4%₹100 Cr10,000
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
3%₹97 Cr1,000,000,000
7.04% Govt Stock 2029
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹91 Cr900,000,000
08.05 GJ Sdl 2025
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹75 Cr750,000,000
Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
Small Industries Development Bank Of India
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
↑ 2,500
ICICI Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
3%₹73 Cr750,000,000

3. UTI Short Term Income Fund

To generate steady and reasonable income with low risk and high level of liquidity from a portfolio of money market securities and high quality debt.

UTI Short Term Income Fund is a Debt - Short term Bond fund was launched on 19 Sep 07. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 6.6% since its launch.  Ranked 10 in Short term Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 6.9% , 2022 was 3.8% and 2021 was 8.4% .

Below is the key information for UTI Short Term Income Fund

UTI Short Term Income Fund
Launch Date 19 Sep 07
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹29.791 ↑ 0.00   (0.01 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹2,745 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Short term Bond
AMC UTI Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 0.94
Sharpe Ratio 0.4
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 10,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.74%
Effective Maturity 3 Years 3 Months 7 Days
Modified Duration 2 Years 6 Months 25 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹11,040
31 Aug 21₹11,644
31 Aug 22₹12,541
31 Aug 23₹13,343
31 Aug 24₹14,348

UTI Short Term Income Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for UTI Short Term Income Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.8%
3 Month 2.2%
6 Month 3.8%
1 Year 7.8%
3 Year 7.3%
5 Year 7.5%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 6.6%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.9%
2022 3.8%
2021 8.4%
2020 10.5%
2019 -3.9%
2018 6%
2017 6.1%
2016 10.1%
2015 8.3%
2014 10.9%
Fund Manager information for UTI Short Term Income Fund
Sudhir Agarwal25 Oct 1211.86 Yr.

Data below for UTI Short Term Income Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent5.08%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.04% Govt Stock 2029
Sovereign Bonds | -
8%₹237 Cr2,350,000,000
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
8%₹226 Cr22,500
National Housing Bank
Debentures | -
7%₹211 Cr21,000
Small Industries Development Bank of India
Debentures | -
7%₹201 Cr20,000
LIC Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
6%₹176 Cr1,750
Power Finance Corp Ltd.
Debentures | -
6%₹175 Cr17,500
7.37% Govt Stock 2028
Sovereign Bonds | -
6%₹168 Cr1,650,000,000
↓ -500,000,000
Union Bank of India
Domestic Bonds | -
5%₹144 Cr1,500,000,000
↓ -500,000,000
Bajaj Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹100 Cr10,000
Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹100 Cr1,000

4. Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund

An Open-ended income scheme with the objective to generate optimal returns with high liquidity through active management of the portfolio by investing in high quality debt and money market instruments.

Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund is a Debt - Dynamic Bond fund was launched on 27 Sep 04. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.7% since its launch.  Ranked 16 in Dynamic Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 6.9% , 2022 was 6% and 2021 was 4.9% .

Below is the key information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund

Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund
Launch Date 27 Sep 04
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹43.5988 ↓ -0.06   (-0.13 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,717 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Dynamic Bond
AMC Birla Sun Life Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 1.21
Sharpe Ratio 0.33
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load 0-90 Days (0.5%),90 Days and above(NIL)
Yield to Maturity 7.16%
Effective Maturity 14 Years 5 Months 26 Days
Modified Duration 8 Years 1 Month 10 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,083
31 Aug 21₹10,763
31 Aug 22₹11,378
31 Aug 23₹12,113
31 Aug 24₹13,113

Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹197,169.
Net Profit of ₹17,169
Invest Now

Returns for Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 1.2%
3 Month 3.1%
6 Month 5%
1 Year 9.1%
3 Year 6.9%
5 Year 5.6%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.7%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.9%
2022 6%
2021 4.9%
2020 9.7%
2019 -0.9%
2018 5.7%
2017 2.2%
2016 14%
2015 7.4%
2014 14.8%
Fund Manager information for Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund
Mohit Sharma22 Mar 213.45 Yr.
Bhupesh Bameta6 Aug 204.07 Yr.
Dhaval Joshi21 Nov 221.78 Yr.

Data below for Aditya Birla Sun Life Dynamic Bond Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.36%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
37%₹629 Cr61,500,000
↑ 2,500,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
21%₹351 Cr34,500,000
↓ -500,000
7.3% Govt Stock 2053
Sovereign Bonds | -
14%₹244 Cr23,500,000
7.23% Govt Stock 2039
Sovereign Bonds | -
14%₹237 Cr23,000,000
7.25% Govt Stock 2063
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹51 Cr5,000,000
Punjab National Bank
Debentures | -
1%₹24 Cr240
Uttar Pradesh (Government of)
- | -
1%₹20 Cr2,000,000
Niif Infrastructure Finance Limited
Debentures | -
1%₹20 Cr200
7.34% Govt Stock 2064
Sovereign Bonds | -
1%₹17 Cr1,665,800
↑ 1,165,800
Goi 16.06.2026 Gov
Sovereign Bonds | -
1%₹14 Cr1,529,000

5. SBI Magnum Gilt Fund

(Erstwhile SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Long Term Plan)

To provide the investors with returns generated through investments in government securities issued by the Central Government and / or a State Government

SBI Magnum Gilt Fund is a Debt - Government Bond fund was launched on 30 Dec 00. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.1% since its launch.  Ranked 3 in Government Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 7.6% , 2022 was 4.2% and 2021 was 3% .

Below is the key information for SBI Magnum Gilt Fund

SBI Magnum Gilt Fund
Launch Date 30 Dec 00
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹62.8528 ↓ -0.07   (-0.11 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹8,871 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Government Bond
AMC SBI Funds Management Private Limited
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 0.94
Sharpe Ratio 0.7
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.12%
Effective Maturity 15 Years 9 Months 29 Days
Modified Duration 8 Years 11 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,936
31 Aug 21₹11,574
31 Aug 22₹11,912
31 Aug 23₹12,852
31 Aug 24₹14,015

SBI Magnum Gilt Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for SBI Magnum Gilt Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 1.2%
3 Month 3.2%
6 Month 5.3%
1 Year 9.9%
3 Year 6.7%
5 Year 7.3%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 8.1%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.6%
2022 4.2%
2021 3%
2020 11.7%
2019 13.1%
2018 5.1%
2017 3.9%
2016 16.3%
2015 7.3%
2014 19.9%
Fund Manager information for SBI Magnum Gilt Fund
Rajeev Radhakrishnan1 Nov 230.84 Yr.
Tejas Soman1 Dec 230.75 Yr.

Data below for SBI Magnum Gilt Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.76%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
54%₹5,124 Cr504,178,600
↓ -15,708,000
7.34% Govt Stock 2064
Sovereign Bonds | -
28%₹2,675 Cr257,000,000
↑ 77,000,000
7.3% Govt Stock 2053
Sovereign Bonds | -
10%₹912 Cr88,000,000
8.34% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹242 Cr23,500,000
7.25% Govt Stock 2063
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹190 Cr18,500,000
↓ -4,500,000
CBLO/Reverse Repo | -
3%₹267 Cr
Net Receivable / Payable
CBLO | -
1%₹89 Cr
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
₹0 Cr00
↓ -42,785,000

6. ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund

The fund’s objective is to provide reasonable returns, by maintaining an optimum balance of safety, liquidity and yield, through investments in a basket of debt and money market instruments with a view to delivering consistent performance. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.

ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund is a Debt - Credit Risk fund was launched on 3 Dec 10. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 8.2% since its launch.  Ranked 26 in Credit Risk category.  Return for 2023 was 7.2% , 2022 was 5.1% and 2021 was 6.2% .

Below is the key information for ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund

ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund
Launch Date 3 Dec 10
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹29.7568 ↓ -0.01   (-0.05 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹6,624 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Credit Risk
AMC ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 1.54
Sharpe Ratio 1.01
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 10,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)
Yield to Maturity 8.69%
Effective Maturity 2 Years 7 Months 13 Days
Modified Duration 2 Years 4 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,965
31 Aug 21₹11,894
31 Aug 22₹12,466
31 Aug 23₹13,279
31 Aug 24₹14,422

ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.7%
3 Month 2.5%
6 Month 4%
1 Year 8.7%
3 Year 6.7%
5 Year 7.6%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 8.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 7.2%
2022 5.1%
2021 6.2%
2020 9.8%
2019 9.5%
2018 6.6%
2017 6.8%
2016 9.5%
2015 9%
2014 11%
Fund Manager information for ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund
Manish Banthia7 Nov 167.82 Yr.
Akhil Kakkar22 Jan 240.61 Yr.

Data below for ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent9.12%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
6%₹363 Cr35,630,230
Embassy Office Parks Reit
Unlisted bonds | -
5%₹301 Cr7,756,117
↓ -700,000
Varroc Engineering Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹248 Cr25,000
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
4%₹242 Cr23,795,630
Millennia Realtors Private Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹210 Cr2,100
Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd
Debentures | -
3%₹175 Cr17,500
Nirma Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹151 Cr15,000
Dlf Home Developers Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹150 Cr15,000
Kalpataru Projects International Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹149 Cr15,000
HDFC Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
2%₹121 Cr2,500

7. UTI Ultra Short Term Fund

(Erstwhile UTI - Floating Rate Fund - Short Term Plan)

To generate regular income through investment in a portfolio comprising substantially of floating rate debt / money market instruments, fixed rate debt / money market instruments swapped for floating rate returns. The Scheme may also invest a portion of its net assets in fixed rate debt securities and money market instruments .However there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. The Scheme does not guarantee / indicate any returns.

UTI Ultra Short Term Fund is a Debt - Ultrashort Bond fund was launched on 29 Aug 03. It is a fund with Moderately Low risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 6.8% since its launch.  Ranked 27 in Ultrashort Bond category.  Return for 2023 was 6.7% , 2022 was 4.2% and 2021 was 6.1% .

Below is the key information for UTI Ultra Short Term Fund

UTI Ultra Short Term Fund
Launch Date 29 Aug 03
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹4,011.55 ↑ 0.84   (0.02 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹2,139 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Ultrashort Bond
AMC UTI Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk Moderately Low
Expense Ratio 0.96
Sharpe Ratio -0.67
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load NIL
Yield to Maturity 7.63%
Effective Maturity 5 Months 12 Days
Modified Duration 5 Months 2 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,644
31 Aug 21₹11,052
31 Aug 22₹11,740
31 Aug 23₹12,490
31 Aug 24₹13,361

UTI Ultra Short Term Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹197,169.
Net Profit of ₹17,169
Invest Now

Returns for UTI Ultra Short Term Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.6%
3 Month 1.8%
6 Month 3.6%
1 Year 7.1%
3 Year 6.6%
5 Year 5.9%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 6.8%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 6.7%
2022 4.2%
2021 6.1%
2020 5.3%
2019 3.3%
2018 7%
2017 6.6%
2016 8.9%
2015 8.5%
2014 8.8%
Fund Manager information for UTI Ultra Short Term Fund
Ritesh Nambiar1 Jul 159.18 Yr.

Data below for UTI Ultra Short Term Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent40.12%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Ntpc Limited
Debentures | -
5%₹100 Cr1,000
Ongc Petro Additions Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
Shriram Finance Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹70 Cr700
Bharti Telecom Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹50 Cr500
Can Fin Homes Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹49 Cr500
National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
Debentures | -
2%₹49 Cr500
ICICI Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
2%₹49 Cr500,000,000
Indian Bank
Domestic Bonds | -
2%₹48 Cr500,000,000
ICICI Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
2%₹48 Cr500,000,000
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
Debentures | -
2%₹48 Cr500,000,000

8. SBI Credit Risk Fund

(Erstwhile SBI Corporate Bond Fund)

The investment objective will be to actively manage a portfolio of good quality corporate debt as well as Money Market Instruments so as to provide reasonable returns and liquidity to the Unit holders. However there is no guarantee or assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

SBI Credit Risk Fund is a Debt - Credit Risk fund was launched on 19 Jul 04. It is a fund with Moderate risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 7.5% since its launch.  Ranked 3 in Credit Risk category.  Return for 2023 was 8.3% , 2022 was 4.2% and 2021 was 5% .

Below is the key information for SBI Credit Risk Fund

SBI Credit Risk Fund
Launch Date 19 Jul 04
NAV (17 Sep 24) ₹42.7853 ↓ 0.00   (0.00 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹2,402 on 31 Jul 24
Category Debt - Credit Risk
AMC SBI Funds Management Private Limited
Risk Moderate
Expense Ratio 1.56
Sharpe Ratio 0.66
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load 0-12 Months (3%),12-24 Months (1.5%),24-36 Months (0.75%),36 Months and above(NIL)
Yield to Maturity 8.47%
Effective Maturity 3 Years 5 Months 26 Days
Modified Duration 2 Years 3 Months 29 Days

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,819
31 Aug 21₹11,638
31 Aug 22₹12,060
31 Aug 23₹13,021
31 Aug 24₹14,032

SBI Credit Risk Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹180,000
expected amount after 3 Years is ₹203,125.
Net Profit of ₹23,125
Invest Now

Returns for SBI Credit Risk Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 17 Sep 24

1 Month 0.7%
3 Month 2.1%
6 Month 4.3%
1 Year 7.9%
3 Year 6.5%
5 Year 7%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 7.5%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 8.3%
2022 4.2%
2021 5%
2020 9.8%
2019 6.5%
2018 6.2%
2017 6.9%
2016 10.5%
2015 9.7%
2014 10.6%
Fund Manager information for SBI Credit Risk Fund
Lokesh Mallya1 Feb 177.59 Yr.
Pradeep Kesavan1 Dec 230.75 Yr.
Adesh Sharma1 Dec 230.75 Yr.

Data below for SBI Credit Risk Fund as on 31 Jul 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent10.67%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
12%₹290 Cr28,500,000
Aadhar Housing Finance Limited
Debentures | -
5%₹112 Cr11,200
Nirma Limited
Debentures | -
5%₹111 Cr11,000
Infopark Properties Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹105 Cr10,500
Jindal Stainless Limited
Debentures | -
4%₹88 Cr900
Avanse Financial Services Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹80 Cr8,000
Renserv Global Pvt Ltd.
Debentures | -
3%₹80 Cr8,000
JSW Steel Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr750
Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr7,500
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
3%₹75 Cr750

یہاں فراہم کردہ معلومات کے درست ہونے کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے تمام کوششیں کی گئی ہیں۔ تاہم، ڈیٹا کی درستگی کے حوالے سے کوئی ضمانت نہیں دی جاتی ہے۔ براہ کرم کوئی بھی سرمایہ کاری کرنے سے پہلے اسکیم کی معلومات کے دستاویز کے ساتھ تصدیق کریں۔
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