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8 بہترین کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کرنے والے ہائبرڈ بیلنسڈ میوچل فنڈز 2022 |

فنکاش »باہمی چندہ »ٹاپ ہائبرڈ فنڈز

8 بہترین ہائبرڈ بیلنسڈ میوچل فنڈز 2022

Updated on September 17, 2024 , 43366 views

ہائبرڈ فنڈز کو عام طور پر بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔متوازن فنڈ. ہائبرڈ فنڈز کی ایک قسم ہے۔باہمی چندہ جو ایکویٹی اور دونوں میں سرمایہ کاری کرتا ہے۔قرض باہمی فنڈ. دوسرے لفظوں میں، یہ فنڈ قرض اور ایکویٹی دونوں کے امتزاج کے طور پر کام کرتا ہے، جہاں تقریباً 65% پورٹ فولیو ایکویٹیز اور باقی فکسڈ کے لیے وقف ہے۔آمدنی آلات


ہائبرڈ فنڈز ان سرمایہ کاروں کے لیے ایک بہترین آپشن ہیں جو ڈرتے ہیں۔سرمایہ کاری میںایکویٹی فنڈز. یہ فنڈ خطرے کے حصے کو کم کرے گا اور وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ زیادہ سے زیادہ منافع حاصل کرنے میں بھی مدد کرے گا۔ بہترین ممکنہ منافع کمانے کے لیے، سرمایہ کاروں کو مشورہ دیا جاتا ہے کہ وہ بہترین ہائبرڈ میوچل فنڈز یا بہترین متوازن فنڈز میں سرمایہ کاری کریں۔ اس طرح، آپ کے لیے سرمایہ کاری کے عمل کو آسان بنانے کے لیے، ہم نے ذیل کے مضمون میں 2022 - 2023 میں سرمایہ کاری کے لیے کچھ اعلیٰ کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کرنے والے ہائبرڈ فنڈز کو شارٹ لسٹ کیا ہے۔

ہائبرڈ یا متوازن میوچل فنڈز میں کیوں سرمایہ کاری کریں؟

  • ہائبرڈ فنڈز پورٹ فولیو کو متوازن کرنے میں مدد کرتے ہیں۔ جیسا کہ فنڈ دونوں اسٹاک میں سرمایہ کاری کرتا ہے اوربانڈز، سرمایہ کار متوازن میوچل فنڈ میں سرمایہ کاری کرکے آسانی سے ایک متوازن پورٹ فولیو بنا سکتے ہیں۔ یہ اسکیم تنوع کے فوائد بھی فراہم کرتی ہے۔ تنوع مستحکم منافع پیدا کرنے میں مدد کرتا ہے۔ تاکہ اگر ایک فنڈ کم کارکردگی دکھاتا ہے تو دوسرے پورٹ فولیو کو مستحکم کر سکتے ہیں۔ اس سے پورٹ فولیو کا مجموعی خطرہ کم ہو جائے گا۔

  • ہائبرڈ یا متوازن فنڈز ان لوگوں کے لیے بھی ایک گیٹ وے ہیں جو اپنی ایکویٹی سرمایہ کاری شروع کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ اس سے مختصر سے درمیانی مدت میں زیادہ سے زیادہ منافع حاصل کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔ یہ ہمیشہ بدلتے ہوئے ایکویٹی کے بڑے زوال کو بھی روکے گا۔مارکیٹ حالات مزید برآں، ہائبرڈ فنڈز میں اعتدال پسند خطرہ ہوتا ہے، جب کہ ایکویٹی فنڈز میں سرمایہ کاری کا خطرہ زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔

  • مثالی طور پر، ہائبرڈ فنڈز ان سرمایہ کاروں کے لیے سرمایہ کاری کا ایک اچھا اختیار ہو سکتا ہے جو چاہتے ہیں۔میوچل فنڈز میں سرمایہ کاری کریں۔. ان فنڈز میں دونوں جہانوں میں بہترین ہے: ایکویٹی کے فوائد حاصل کرتے ہوئے aمقررہ آمدنی سرمایہ کاری اس طرح، سرمایہ کار اوپر دیے گئے بہترین ہائبرڈ میوچل فنڈز کا انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں اور اسکیم میں سرمایہ کاری کرکے اچھا منافع کما سکتے ہیں۔

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مالی سال 22 - 23 میں سرمایہ کاری کے لیے سرفہرست 8 ہائبرڈ میوچل فنڈز

FundNAVNet Assets (Cr)3 MO (%)6 MO (%)1 YR (%)3 YR (%)5 YR (%)2023 (%)
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund Growth ₹508.579
↓ -1.65
JM Equity Hybrid Fund Growth ₹128.701
↓ -0.28
ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund Growth ₹383.65
↑ 1.11
BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund Growth ₹38.74
↓ -0.46
UTI Hybrid Equity Fund Growth ₹406.289
↓ -0.46
Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund Growth ₹104.744
↓ -0.01
Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund Growth ₹61.952
↓ -0.17
Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund Growth ₹135.137
↑ 0.78
Note: Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR basis. as on 19 Sep 24
*فنڈز کی فہرست کی بنیاد ہے۔اثاثے> 500 کروڑ اور ترتیب دیا گیا3 سالسی اے جی آر واپسی.

ہائبرڈ / متوازن میوچل فنڈز کی بنیادی باتیں

1. متوازن فنڈز کو سمجھنا

ہندوستان میں، بیلنس فنڈز عام طور پر اپنے پورٹ فولیو کا 65% اسٹاک/ایکویٹی/حصص میں اور بقیہ وسائل بانڈز اور دیگر قرض کے آلات جیسے کارپوریٹ بانڈ/گورنمنٹ بانڈز/انفراسٹرکچر بانڈز میں لگاتے ہیں۔ لہذا متوازن فنڈز عام طور پر ایکویٹی پر مبنی ہائبرڈ فنڈز ہوتے ہیں۔ وہ پہلی بار سرمایہ کاروں کے لیے ایک مناسب آپشن کے طور پر کام کرتے ہیں جن کے پاس کم-خطرے کی بھوک. وہ ان سرمایہ کاروں کے لیے ہیں جو خطرناک آپشن نہیں لینا چاہتے لیکن پھر بھی چاہتے ہیں۔سرمایہ تعریف اس کے علاوہ قرض پر مبنی ہائبرڈ/متوازن فنڈز ہیں جن میں 65% اور 35% ایکویٹی ہے۔

2. ہائبرڈ میوچل فنڈز کی اقسام

میوچل فنڈز کی حالیہ (مارچ - اپریل 2018) کی بنیاد پرSEBI. ہائبرڈ فنڈ کی اقسام درج ذیل ہیں۔

قسم تفصیلات
ہائبرڈ ایکویٹی 65% ایکویٹی 35% قرض
ہائبرڈ قرض 65% قرض 35% ایکویٹی
ثالثی 100% ایکویٹی آربیٹریج
متحرک مختص قیمتوں کی بنیاد پر متحرک Allocaiton
ایکویٹی بچت ثالثی کے مواقع، ایکویٹی / ایکویٹی سے متعلق آلات اور قرض میں سرمایہ کاریکرنسی مارکیٹ آلات
کثیر اثاثہ ایک سے زیادہ اثاثہ پسندفلوٹنگ ریٹ اور مقررہ شرح قرض کے آلات، ایکویٹی، منی مارکیٹ کے آلات اور مشتقات
متوازن ہائبرڈ 50% ایکویٹی 50% قرض

3. متوازن فنڈز کے فوائد

بیلنس فنڈز میوچل فنڈ کے ایک ہی ڈاکٹ کی شکل میں تنوع کی سہولت فراہم کرتے ہیں۔ ایکسرمایہ کار اس طرح فنڈز کے گلدستے کا تجزیہ اور انتخاب کرنے کی پریشانی سے گزرنا پڑتا ہے۔ ایک پیشہ ورانہ تربیت یافتہ اور تجربہ کار فنڈ مینیجر سرمایہ کار کے لیے یہ کام کرتا ہے۔ قرض اور ایکویٹی اجزاء کا حسابی امتزاج فنڈز کو مارکیٹ کے اتار چڑھاؤ کا کم خطرہ بناتا ہے۔ فنڈ کے ایکویٹی اجزاء کا مقصد سرمائے کی قدر میں اضافہ کرنا ہے اور ان کے قرض کے اجزاء سرمایہ کاری کو مارکیٹ کی غیر متوقع اصلاحات سے بچانے کے لیے سیکیورٹیز کے طور پر کام کرتے ہیں۔

4. متوازن فنڈز کے نقصانات

اگرچہ ایسا لگتا ہے کہ متوازن فنڈز عملی طور پر خطرے سے پاک ہیں، لیکن یہ مکمل طور پر ایسا نہیں ہے۔ متوازن فنڈز کے خطرات کا اپنا حصہ ہوتا ہے۔ جب کہ متعدد اسٹاک اور قرض کے آلات میں براہ راست سرمایہ کاری کی صورت میں، کوئی بھی مختلف فنڈز کے درمیان وسائل کو متنوع کے طور پر منتقل کر سکتا ہے۔ٹیکس پلاننگ یا دولت کی تخلیق۔ تاہم، بیلنس فنڈز میں، چونکہ وسائل کی تقسیم کا فیصلہ فنڈ مینیجر کے پاس ہوتا ہے، اس لیے حسب ضرورت تنوع ممکن نہیں ہے۔

5. بہتر خطرے پر مبنی منافع

متوازن فنڈز نے طویل مدت میں ایکویٹی ریٹرن کے مقابلے بہتر رسک ایڈجسٹ شدہ منافع دیا ہے۔ ذیل میں ایک موازنہ کچھ خاص مفروضوں پر مبنی ہے جو مستقبل میں وقتاً فوقتاً تبدیل ہو سکتا ہے۔

فنڈ کیٹیگری 5 سالہ رولنگ ریٹرن خطرے پر مبنی Std انحراف
متوازن فنڈز 13.20% 2.9
بڑے کیپ فنڈز 12.90% 3.47
درمیانی ٹوپی اور لارج کیپ فنڈز 13.96% 3.82
متنوع فنڈز 14.91% 3.96

1. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund

(Erstwhile HDFC Growth Fund and HDFC Prudence Fund)

Aims to generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related instruments.

HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund is a Hybrid - Dynamic Allocation fund was launched on 11 Sep 00. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 18.6% since its launch.  Ranked 23 in Dynamic Allocation category.  Return for 2023 was 31.3% , 2022 was 18.8% and 2021 was 26.4% .

Below is the key information for HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund

HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund
Launch Date 11 Sep 00
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹508.579 ↓ -1.65   (-0.32 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹95,391 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Dynamic Allocation
AMC HDFC Asset Management Company Limited
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 1.43
Sharpe Ratio 3.23
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 300
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹9,801
31 Aug 21₹14,111
31 Aug 22₹16,485
31 Aug 23₹19,699
31 Aug 24₹27,259

HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹530,691.
Net Profit of ₹230,691
Invest Now

Returns for HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 0.5%
3 Month 4.1%
6 Month 15.5%
1 Year 32.5%
3 Year 22.9%
5 Year 22.3%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 18.6%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 31.3%
2022 18.8%
2021 26.4%
2020 7.6%
2019 6.9%
2018 -3.1%
2017 27.9%
2016 9.4%
2015 0.3%
2014 51.8%
Fund Manager information for HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund
Anil Bamboli29 Jul 222.1 Yr.
Gopal Agrawal29 Jul 222.1 Yr.
Arun Agarwal6 Oct 221.91 Yr.
Srinivasan Ramamurthy29 Jul 222.1 Yr.
Nirman Morakhia15 Feb 231.54 Yr.
Dhruv Muchhal22 Jun 231.2 Yr.

Data below for HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services22.05%
Health Care4.12%
Consumer Cyclical3.56%
Consumer Defensive2.89%
Communication Services2.5%
Basic Materials1.76%
Real Estate1.3%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent19.5%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 22 | 500180
6%₹5,822 Cr35,564,751
↑ 2,000,000
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 09 | 532174
4%₹3,416 Cr27,787,724
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 May 07 | 500112
3%₹3,159 Cr38,732,750
Coal India Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 18 | COALINDIA
3%₹3,007 Cr57,282,114
↓ -4,100,000
NTPC Ltd (Utilities)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 16 | 532555
3%₹2,991 Cr71,855,915
↑ 40,500
7.38% Govt Stock 2027
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹2,769 Cr272,581,800
Infosys Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 09 | 500209
3%₹2,588 Cr13,314,298
Larsen & Toubro Ltd (Industrials)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 12 | 500510
3%₹2,398 Cr6,473,583
↑ 112,650
7.18% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹2,328 Cr228,533,300
↑ 15,000,000
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 21 | 500325
2%₹2,177 Cr7,210,433
↑ 71,500

2. JM Equity Hybrid Fund

(Erstwhile JM Balanced Fund)

To provide steady current income as well as long term growth of capital.

JM Equity Hybrid Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 1 Apr 95. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 13.2% since its launch.  Ranked 35 in Hybrid Equity category.  Return for 2023 was 33.8% , 2022 was 8.1% and 2021 was 22.9% .

Below is the key information for JM Equity Hybrid Fund

JM Equity Hybrid Fund
Launch Date 1 Apr 95
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹128.701 ↓ -0.28   (-0.22 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹578 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC JM Financial Asset Management Limited
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.36
Sharpe Ratio 3.26
Information Ratio 1.59
Alpha Ratio 16.93
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load 0-60 Days (1%),60 Days and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹11,645
31 Aug 21₹17,246
31 Aug 22₹17,600
31 Aug 23₹22,060
31 Aug 24₹33,032

JM Equity Hybrid Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹598,181.
Net Profit of ₹298,181
Invest Now

Returns for JM Equity Hybrid Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 0.9%
3 Month 5.6%
6 Month 25.4%
1 Year 46.6%
3 Year 22.8%
5 Year 27%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 13.2%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 33.8%
2022 8.1%
2021 22.9%
2020 30.5%
2019 -8.1%
2018 1.7%
2017 18.5%
2016 3%
2015 -0.2%
2014 33.4%
Fund Manager information for JM Equity Hybrid Fund
Asit Bhandarkar31 Dec 212.67 Yr.
Gurvinder Wasan1 Dec 221.75 Yr.
Chaitanya Choksi20 Aug 213.04 Yr.

Data below for JM Equity Hybrid Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services13.04%
Consumer Cyclical11.84%
Health Care10.17%
Consumer Defensive9.14%
Basic Materials6.79%
Real Estate1.04%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.68%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
4%₹23 Cr2,300,000
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹17 Cr1,700,000
↑ 350,000
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 24 | 500180
3%₹16 Cr100,000
ITC Ltd (Consumer Defensive)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 24 | 500875
3%₹16 Cr310,000
↑ 310,000
Varun Beverages Ltd (Consumer Defensive)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 24 | 540180
2%₹14 Cr94,000
↑ 4,000
Vedanta Ltd (Basic Materials)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 24 | VEDL
2%₹14 Cr300,000
↑ 120,000
Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Healthcare)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 24 | 544222
2%₹14 Cr162,542
↑ 162,542
Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd (Consumer Defensive)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 24 | 500038
2%₹13 Cr220,000
↑ 20,000
Tata Motors Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 24 | TATAMOTORS
2%₹13 Cr117,471
↑ 117,471
REC Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Nov 22 | RECLTD
2%₹13 Cr210,500

3. ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund

(Erstwhile ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund)

To generate long term capital appreciation and current income from a portfolio that is invested in equity and equity related securities as well as in fixed income securities.

ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 3 Nov 99. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 15.8% since its launch.  Ranked 7 in Hybrid Equity category.  Return for 2023 was 28.2% , 2022 was 11.7% and 2021 was 41.7% .

Below is the key information for ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund

ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund
Launch Date 3 Nov 99
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹383.65 ↑ 1.11   (0.29 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹40,095 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 1.78
Sharpe Ratio 3.54
Information Ratio 2.2
Alpha Ratio 9.22
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,322
31 Aug 21₹15,827
31 Aug 22₹18,279
31 Aug 23₹21,420
31 Aug 24₹29,788

ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹556,833.
Net Profit of ₹256,833
Invest Now

Returns for ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 3.2%
3 Month 8.4%
6 Month 17.1%
1 Year 35.1%
3 Year 22.6%
5 Year 24.7%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 15.8%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 28.2%
2022 11.7%
2021 41.7%
2020 9%
2019 9.3%
2018 -1.9%
2017 24.8%
2016 13.7%
2015 2.1%
2014 45.6%
Fund Manager information for ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund
Sankaran Naren7 Dec 158.74 Yr.
Manish Banthia19 Sep 1310.96 Yr.
Mittul Kalawadia29 Dec 203.68 Yr.
Akhil Kakkar22 Jan 240.61 Yr.
Sri Sharma30 Apr 213.34 Yr.
Sharmila D’mello31 Jul 222.09 Yr.

Data below for ICICI Prudential Equity and Debt Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services19.14%
Consumer Cyclical11.45%
Health Care6.27%
Communication Services4.74%
Consumer Defensive2.66%
Basic Materials2.29%
Real Estate1.54%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent12.89%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
NTPC Ltd (Utilities)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 17 | 532555
7%₹2,879 Cr69,169,100
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 12 | 532174
6%₹2,407 Cr19,579,632
↓ -1,423,100
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 21 | 500180
5%₹2,156 Cr13,170,672
↑ 2,892,667
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 21 | 532500
5%₹1,957 Cr1,578,091
↑ 258,856
Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd (Healthcare)
Equity, Since 31 May 16 | SUNPHARMA
4%₹1,648 Cr9,044,134
↓ -532,000
Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services)
Equity, Since 31 May 16 | 532454
4%₹1,609 Cr10,124,205
↓ -522,500
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 22 | 500325
3%₹1,212 Cr4,014,343
Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 17 | 500312
3%₹1,140 Cr34,477,501
TVS Motor Co Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 18 | 532343
3%₹1,080 Cr3,840,285
8.34% Govt Stock 2033
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹832 Cr80,746,220
↓ -7,500,000

4. BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund

(Erstwhile BOI AXA Mid Cap Equity And Debt Fund)

The scheme's objective is to provide capital appreciation and income distribution to investors from a portfolio constituting of mid cap equity and equity related securities as well as fixed income securities.However there can be no assurance that the investment objectives of the Scheme will be realized

BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 20 Jul 16. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 18% since its launch.  Return for 2023 was 33.7% , 2022 was -4.8% and 2021 was 54.5% .

Below is the key information for BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund

BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund
Launch Date 20 Jul 16
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹38.74 ↓ -0.46   (-1.17 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹978 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC BOI AXA Investment Mngrs Private Ltd
Rating Not Rated
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.68
Sharpe Ratio 2.99
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹11,785
31 Aug 21₹20,027
31 Aug 22₹20,198
31 Aug 23₹24,364
31 Aug 24₹35,933

BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹612,552.
Net Profit of ₹312,552
Invest Now

Returns for BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month -0.4%
3 Month 4.4%
6 Month 22.8%
1 Year 39%
3 Year 19%
5 Year 28.3%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 18%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 33.7%
2022 -4.8%
2021 54.5%
2020 31.1%
2019 -4.7%
2018 -14.2%
2017 47.1%
Fund Manager information for BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund
Alok Singh16 Feb 177.55 Yr.

Data below for BOI AXA Mid and Small Cap Equity and Debt Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Consumer Cyclical12.55%
Basic Materials12.26%
Financial Services9.59%
Health Care6.69%
Consumer Defensive3.11%
Communication Services2.93%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent7.69%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
Oil India Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 23 | 533106
4%₹39 Cr530,000
↓ -79,000
Jindal Stainless Ltd (Basic Materials)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 21 | JSL
3%₹31 Cr385,000
Indus Towers Ltd Ordinary Shares (Communication Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 24 | 534816
3%₹29 Cr625,000
UNO Minda Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 19 | 532539
3%₹28 Cr242,000
Castrol India Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 24 | 500870
3%₹27 Cr1,001,000
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
Debentures | -
2%₹20 Cr2,000,000
Indian Bank (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 23 | INDIANB
2%₹20 Cr344,000
Swan Energy Ltd (Consumer Cyclical)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 23 | SWANENERGY
2%₹18 Cr260,000
JK Cement Ltd (Basic Materials)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 22 | JKCEMENT
2%₹17 Cr38,500
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 7.68%
Domestic Bonds | -
2%₹17 Cr1,700,000

5. UTI Hybrid Equity Fund

(Erstwhile UTI Balanced Fund)

The scheme aims to invest in a portfolio of equity/equity related securities and fixed income securities (debt and money market securities) with a view to generating regular income together with capital appreciation.

UTI Hybrid Equity Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 2 Jan 95. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 15.6% since its launch.  Ranked 12 in Hybrid Equity category.  Return for 2023 was 25.5% , 2022 was 5.6% and 2021 was 30.5% .

Below is the key information for UTI Hybrid Equity Fund

UTI Hybrid Equity Fund
Launch Date 2 Jan 95
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹406.289 ↓ -0.46   (-0.11 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹6,189 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC UTI Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 1.91
Sharpe Ratio 3.07
Information Ratio 1.72
Alpha Ratio 4.72
Min Investment 1,000
Min SIP Investment 500
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,287
31 Aug 21₹15,153
31 Aug 22₹16,150
31 Aug 23₹18,626
31 Aug 24₹25,359

UTI Hybrid Equity Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹505,644.
Net Profit of ₹205,644
Invest Now

Returns for UTI Hybrid Equity Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 3.1%
3 Month 8.6%
6 Month 21%
1 Year 32.8%
3 Year 18%
5 Year 20.9%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 15.6%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 25.5%
2022 5.6%
2021 30.5%
2020 13.2%
2019 2.5%
2018 -5.6%
2017 25.7%
2016 8.8%
2015 2.4%
2014 32.8%
Fund Manager information for UTI Hybrid Equity Fund
V Srivatsa24 Sep 0914.95 Yr.
Sunil Patil5 Feb 186.57 Yr.

Data below for UTI Hybrid Equity Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services22.92%
Consumer Cyclical8.22%
Health Care5.42%
Basic Materials5.29%
Consumer Defensive5.11%
Communication Services4.07%
Real Estate1.1%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.05%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 29 Feb 20 | 500180
6%₹383 Cr2,341,646
↑ 45,784
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
5%₹332 Cr3,250,000,000
↑ 250,000,000
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 10 | 532174
5%₹299 Cr2,433,077
Infosys Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Mar 06 | 500209
4%₹238 Cr1,222,682
↑ 22,556
7.23% Govt Stock 2039
Sovereign Bonds | -
4%₹231 Cr2,250,000,000
↑ 300,600,000
ITC Ltd (Consumer Defensive)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 06 | 500875
3%₹213 Cr4,242,150
7.1% Govt Stock 2034
Sovereign Bonds | -
3%₹208 Cr2,050,000,000
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 19 | 500325
3%₹195 Cr646,756
7.41% Govt Stock 2036
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹130 Cr1,250,000,000
7.32% Govt Stock 2030
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹123 Cr1,200,000,000

6. Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund

(Erstwhile Reliance Regular Savings Fund - Balanced Plan)

The primary investment objective of this option is to generate consistent returns and appreciation of capital by investing in mix of securities comprising of Equity, Equity related instruments & fixed income instruments.

Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 8 Jun 05. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 13% since its launch.  Ranked 8 in Hybrid Equity category.  Return for 2023 was 24.1% , 2022 was 6.6% and 2021 was 27.8% .

Below is the key information for Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund

Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund
Launch Date 8 Jun 05
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹104.744 ↓ -0.01   (-0.01 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹3,894 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC Nippon Life Asset Management Ltd.
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.02
Sharpe Ratio 2.91
Information Ratio 1.64
Alpha Ratio 2.94
Min Investment 500
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹8,871
31 Aug 21₹12,863
31 Aug 22₹13,621
31 Aug 23₹15,702
31 Aug 24₹20,731

Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹458,689.
Net Profit of ₹158,689
Invest Now

Returns for Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 3.7%
3 Month 7.4%
6 Month 18%
1 Year 29.7%
3 Year 17%
5 Year 16.2%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 13%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 24.1%
2022 6.6%
2021 27.8%
2020 -5.3%
2019 3%
2018 -4.9%
2017 29.5%
2016 4.2%
2015 8.7%
2014 43.2%
Fund Manager information for Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund
Meenakshi Dawar10 Sep 212.98 Yr.
Kinjal Desai25 May 186.28 Yr.
Sushil Budhia1 Feb 204.59 Yr.
Akshay Sharma1 Dec 221.75 Yr.

Data below for Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services22.1%
Consumer Cyclical9.71%
Health Care6.77%
Consumer Defensive4.49%
Communication Services3.16%
Basic Materials2.78%
Real Estate1.12%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent2.56%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 10 | 500180
5%₹194 Cr1,182,356
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 12 | 532174
5%₹193 Cr1,570,000
Infosys Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 11 | 500209
4%₹142 Cr730,000
Larsen & Toubro Ltd (Industrials)
Equity, Since 28 Feb 13 | 500510
3%₹131 Cr354,838
NTPC Ltd (Utilities)
Equity, Since 31 Aug 20 | 532555
3%₹123 Cr2,950,620
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 14 | 500325
3%₹122 Cr403,000
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Sep 18 | 532215
3%₹110 Cr933,200
Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd (Healthcare)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 11 | SUNPHARMA
3%₹109 Cr600,000
Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services)
Equity, Since 31 Dec 19 | 532454
3%₹106 Cr665,000
State Bank of India (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 16 | 500112
2%₹82 Cr1,010,000

7. Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund

(Erstwhile Kotak Balance Fund)

The objective of the Scheme is to achieve growth by investing in equity and equity related instruments, balanced with income generation by investing in debt and money market instruments.

Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 3 Nov 14. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 13.5% since its launch.  Ranked 17 in Hybrid Equity category.  Return for 2023 was 20.1% , 2022 was 5% and 2021 was 28.9% .

Below is the key information for Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund

Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund
Launch Date 3 Nov 14
NAV (19 Sep 24) ₹61.952 ↓ -0.17   (-0.27 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹6,510 on 31 Aug 24
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co Ltd
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 1.85
Sharpe Ratio 2.79
Information Ratio 0
Alpha Ratio 0
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 1,000
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,683
31 Aug 21₹15,843
31 Aug 22₹17,104
31 Aug 23₹19,149
31 Aug 24₹25,701

Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹518,033.
Net Profit of ₹218,033
Invest Now

Returns for Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 2.2%
3 Month 7%
6 Month 22.8%
1 Year 31.4%
3 Year 16.8%
5 Year 21%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 13.5%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
2023 20.1%
2022 5%
2021 28.9%
2020 15.4%
2019 14.1%
2018 -6.2%
2017 23.2%
2016 11%
2015 1.9%
Fund Manager information for Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund
Abhishek Bisen4 Jun 0915.25 Yr.
Atul Bhole22 Jan 240.61 Yr.

Data below for Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund as on 31 Aug 24

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Financial Services15.08%
Basic Materials8.19%
Consumer Cyclical7.35%
Health Care6.24%
Consumer Defensive4.03%
Communication Services3.12%
Real Estate1.63%
Debt Sector Allocation
Cash Equivalent3.18%
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio
7.18% Govt Stock 2037
Sovereign Bonds | -
5%₹336 Cr32,813,830
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 30 Jun 11 | 500180
4%₹273 Cr1,670,812
Infosys Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 30 Apr 10 | 500209
4%₹231 Cr1,189,800
Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services)
Equity, Since 29 Feb 24 | 532454
3%₹203 Cr1,279,465
Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd (Technology)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 22 | 532466
3%₹187 Cr170,454
↑ 64,349
Power Finance Corp Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 24 | PFC
3%₹179 Cr3,252,007
NTPC Ltd (Utilities)
Equity, Since 31 Jul 19 | 532555
3%₹165 Cr3,953,000
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
Equity, Since 31 Oct 10 | 532174
2%₹159 Cr1,290,708
↓ -100,000
7.3% Govt Stock 2053
Sovereign Bonds | -
2%₹137 Cr13,166,150
Techno Electric & Engineering Co Ltd (Industrials)
Equity, Since 31 Jan 19 | 542141
2%₹130 Cr796,257

8. Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund

(Erstwhile Sundaram Balanced Fund)

The scheme seeks to generate capital appreciation and current income through a judicious mix of investments in equities and fixed income securities.

Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund is a Hybrid - Hybrid Equity fund was launched on 23 Jun 00. It is a fund with Moderately High risk and has given a CAGR/Annualized return of 12.8% since its launch.  Ranked 25 in Hybrid Equity category. .

Below is the key information for Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund

Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund
Launch Date 23 Jun 00
NAV (31 Dec 21) ₹135.137 ↑ 0.78   (0.58 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,954 on 30 Nov 21
Category Hybrid - Hybrid Equity
AMC Sundaram Asset Management Company Ltd
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.18
Sharpe Ratio 2.64
Information Ratio -0.12
Alpha Ratio 5.81
Min Investment 5,000
Min SIP Investment 100
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investment over the years.

31 Aug 19₹10,000
31 Aug 20₹10,410
31 Aug 21₹14,815

Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund SIP Returns

My Monthly Investment:
Investment Tenure:
Expected Annual Returns:
Total investment amount is ₹300,000
expected amount after 5 Years is ₹436,710.
Net Profit of ₹136,710
Invest Now

Returns for Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) basis. as on 19 Sep 24

1 Month 1.8%
3 Month 0.5%
6 Month 10.5%
1 Year 27.1%
3 Year 16%
5 Year 14.2%
10 Year
15 Year
Since launch 12.8%
Historical performance (Yearly) on absolute basis
Fund Manager information for Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund

Data below for Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund as on 30 Nov 21

Asset Allocation
Asset ClassValue
Equity Sector Allocation
Debt Sector Allocation
Credit Quality
Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio

ٹیکس کے مضمرات

اوسطاً 65% یا اس سے زیادہ کی ایکویٹی ایکسپوژر والے تمام میوچل فنڈز کو ٹیکس کے مقصد کے لیے ایکویٹی اثاثہ کلاس سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ تو مختصر مدتکیپٹل گینز یعنی ایکویٹی اورینٹڈ بیلنس کے ایک سال کے ساتھ بک کیے گئے منافعوں پر 15% ٹیکس لگایا جاتا ہے۔ اگر یہ فنڈز 12 مہینوں سے زیادہ مدت کے لیے رکھے جاتے ہیں، تو ان کے طویل مدتی کیپٹل گین پر 10% ٹیکس لگایا جاتا ہے اگر منافع روپے سے زیادہ بک کیا جاتا ہے۔ 1 لاکھ (2018 کے تازہ ترین بجٹ کے مطابق)۔

قرض پر مبنی ہائبرڈ فنڈز کے لیے ٹیکس 20% ہے جس میں انڈیکسیشن فائدہ ہوتا ہے جیسا کہ کسی دوسرے قرض کے آلے کی صورت میں ہولڈنگ 3 سال یا اس سے اوپر ہے۔ قلیل مدتی ٹیکس کی معمولی شرح پر ٹیکس لگایا جاتا ہے (ٹیکس سلیب کے مطابق)۔

بیلنسڈ فنڈز میں آن لائن سرمایہ کاری کیسے کی جائے؟

  1. پر لائف ٹائم کے لیے مفت انویسٹمنٹ اکاؤنٹ کھولیں۔

  2. اپنی رجسٹریشن اور KYC کا عمل مکمل کریں۔

  3. دستاویزات اپ لوڈ کریں (PAN، آدھار، وغیرہ)۔اور، آپ سرمایہ کاری کے لیے تیار ہیں!

    شروع کرنے کے

یہاں فراہم کردہ معلومات کے درست ہونے کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے تمام کوششیں کی گئی ہیں۔ تاہم، ڈیٹا کی درستگی کے حوالے سے کوئی ضمانت نہیں دی جاتی ہے۔ براہ کرم کوئی بھی سرمایہ کاری کرنے سے پہلے اسکیم کی معلومات کے دستاویز کے ساتھ تصدیق کریں۔
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